Then what you're discussing is problems that are from the power company. That would be the type of things that could be checked with a multimeter. It isn't really "analyzing" it's more like seeing if your car's electrical system is at 9v instead of 12v. It is like seeing if your circuit is shared, etc. These aren't "analyzing" things, you just look and see. Most of them will be errors by idiots that think it's smart to put a living room on the same breaker as a bathroom etc.
When I said analyze I meant using spectrum analyzers synced and recorded through the whole abode, to which then you'd have to make up some software to compare them all and look at what is really going on. It's hella complicated and not needed. And then be able to merge it with information on PF, derating from transformer, etc.
I referred to analyzing the mains properly, and referred a few parameters, not handling a voltmeter. It would be nice if you told us what you do and not imagining what others do ...