I imagine that you may use your Extreme in a similar manner as someone might use a CD transport and, in that context, your comments make absolute sense - SQ trumps all. But you are overlooking what is, to me, the most important aspect of Roon which is its ability to play music through a whole variety of different music devices all round the house using the same proficient and easy to use control software. I can only assume that you have not had to patiently explain (over and over) to a frustrated spouse why she has to use different apps in each room and which app in which room is the right one to choose?
Since getting my Extreme, I have been totally satisfied with the SQ improvements that I have been able to achieve whilst using Roon and that was my only objective back when I made the purchase. I knew nothing of XDMS back then. Any SQ improvements derived from XDMS will of course be a bonus but will also bring along a number of usability complications - unless I buy another Roon core to serve the rest of the house and leave Extreme on XDMS for the main system but, even at that, I would lose the unexpected but greatly appreciated SQ improvements that Extreme gives me all around the house through various different devices.
Whilst I can understand your point of view as it applies to you, I sincerely hope that it is not one shared by Taiko themselves.
I use the KISS technique (Kept simple stupid)I have my listening room for my music and for music through the house we simply use Alexa in our kitchen, Reading your set up I have zero interest dong what you do. You complicate your life with your frustrated spouse.Mine has no problem saying, "hey Alexa, play me some music I like"......voila
And no I don'ts my Extreme as I do a CD. I have almost 16 TB's of digital files that I can easily peruse using the "folders"section until the platform is fully developed. As for Discord and being in the Alpha 2 test group, as dminches states it really is fun reading how the smartest of the alpha users working together help flush out the bugs.
I remain steadfast in my constant comments that IMO there is no audio manufacturer that even comes close to the client satisfaction that remains consistently excellent. I also remain steadfast in stating that to my ears Roon is an albatross even when compared to the alpha2 XDMS which is only going to get better.
To my ears and being a part of the alpha2 testers I find it simply amazing that the SQ one day which is sounding so good, only seems to sound better with each new iteration ( a new one was released today that I can't wait to test today and read what others are finding on Discord. So
@godofwealth I can only say that to some your comments might make sense but to the many devoted Taiko followers I would bet money that they disagree with your bet that Taiko won't pull this off.Have you even heard XDMS before you posted earlier. It is very easy to make a blanket statement but this Taiko team is at the cutting edge. .......I believe Emile in every step of the way. When Roon went down 4 years ago and the SQ deteriorated with their recent build, Emile had enough and turned his vision elsewhere and assembled his team. I remember Emile stating that his goal is to control the audio signal from the time it leaves the router, to the time it leaves the Extreme. It has been a 4 year labor of love and the beauty is how Taiko includes its users in the development of its new platform. It's like the old hamburger commercial "have it your way" as the alpha2 users are all providing ideas and feedback to bring Eile's goal to fruition.More additions are hopefully going to be released before end of year but now all manufacturers are fighting the supply chain causing releases to be pushed back. I would have no doubt that Emile is in the same position where he cannot supply the demand, just yet.
So no matter what anyone posts negative about Taiko as did
@godofwealth, I can only say that it brought a smile to my face because clearly he feels the smallness of Taiko will preclude their success. Im in for the long run and wish the team all the success.
Emile, Ed , Christiaan, and Winston and all of the coding team ....simply put, you're the greatest. All good things come to he who waits"