Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

Christian, I'm not asking XDMS to do extraordinary things, I just want to make sure that the ordinary ones will be done correctly. When I see that you can't search by composer, when I see that the latest front end 0.9 takes much longer to load the library than 0.7, when I see those "awful" wrappers instead of the full library, when I see that the meta data is only on the server with the refresh time that is lost…… I tend to be pessimistic, but we will make an effort and have faith
Perhaps bring an alpha tester is not in the best interest of your psyche.
However everyone here is an existing owner who has received TAS and now XDMS FREE!!
It's just a matter of how you want to look at it. You can say Extreme is 30K and TAS/XDMS is 0K. Or you can say Extreme is 0K and TAS/XDMS is 30K.

The bottom line is companies need to get revenue to make these great products.
It's just a matter of how you want to look at it. You can say Extreme is 30K and TAS/XDMS is 0K. Or you can say Extreme is 0K and TAS/XDMS is 30K.

The bottom line is companies need to get revenue to make these great products.

Except many of purchased the Extreme to use Roon and then for no cost we have gotten TAS and now XDMS.
Except many of purchased the Extreme to use Roon and then for no cost we have gotten TAS and now XDMS.
OK let me ask the question a different way.

How is Taiko able to afford to build TAS and XDMS? We all can agree it cost money to create TAS and XDMS.
I would bet that the cost of this project has created a dent in their bottom line for now. Never once has Taiko ever said there would be a cost To we end users. No doubt in the future the cost will rise but so is every manufacturers costs. I agree nothing is free but we have paid for our Extreme and Roon. TAS and XDMS were subsequently given free to all Extreme owners.
This is something Bryan’s doesn’t seem to grasp
I believe you are the one who doesn't grasp what I posted. If you believe the cost of developing products around the Extreme is free, than great. Not sure why it is so hard for some to realize the cost is included in the product. There isn't anything wrong with this. This is common business.
Would you agree that for existing users who have paid for their unit that this is indeed different from new and future owners. At least for the time being. Some may opt to never buy any of the network cards, switches or routers and I would say then that they received their SW free or do you see it otherwise
OK let me ask the question a different way.

How is Taiko able to afford to build TAS and XDMS? We all can agree it cost money to create TAS and XDMS.

You would have to ask them that. I am sure that future Extreme sales will reflect some of the cost of software development.
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Would you agree that for existing users who have paid for their unit that this is indeed different from new and future owners. At least for the time being. Some may opt to never buy any of the network cards, switches or routers and I would say then that they received their SW free or do you see it otherwise
All I am saying is the SW is part of Taiko current business model. Based on what they make from selling their products, they are able to do R&D. One part is the development of their music management SW.

This is no different than other companies that produce their own music management SW.
Christian, I'm not asking XDMS to do extraordinary things, I just want to make sure that the ordinary ones will be done correctly. When I see that you can't search by composer, when I see that the latest front end 0.9 takes much longer to load the library than 0.7, when I see those "awful" wrappers instead of the full library, when I see that the meta data is only on the server with the refresh time that is lost…… I tend to be pessimistic, but we will make an effort and have faith

look, this is an alpha and normally it would not even be shared with end users. it is expected to be buggy and complaining about what doesn't work (YET) the way you/we would like, when it has only been released for feedback from 'friendly' users/testers, is simply uncalled for. would you rather they keep all their testing inside development?

in my opinion, it is completely inappropriate to be complaining about alpha status here. if you don't want to see bugs and things that are still to be added or improved or optimized, wait for the beta. if you want to criticize the current status, there is a place for that(!) and your input will be much more valuable if you please move your comments/feedback to the 'reported bugs' section devoted to that on discord.
You are very right, alpha is extremely promising and everything indicates that it will finally be absolutely extraordinary and any doubt about it should be considered as a serious attempt at sabotage.
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You are very right, alpha is extremely promising and everything indicates that it will finally be absolutely extraordinary and any doubt about it should be considered as a serious attempt at sabotage.

I can fully understand your skepticism.

What makes us confident on the Taiko Software Team, is the most difficult and challenging part is getting the software to sound really good. We know how to do that as evidenced by the SQ feedback we got from TAS users and now XDMS Alpha Users

We had no control of the UI in TAS, but XDMS is all ours and we can have it do and behave anyway we think will be appreciated by our User Group. It's not rocket science, but it takes effort, time and testing.

The Alpha User group has proved to be invaluable, finding bugs, making feature requests.

Software development has to be focused , compartmentalized and prioritized so that the Devs don't get overwhelmed. Happy Dev's write good code. They like writing code for the best sounding software, and one of the best looking software out there.
Well, given it is Friday night, I wish Team Taiko a bit of rest. Exciting last few days. Clearly there is alot of interest, opinion and excitement as XDMS already shows its great SQ promise, which I am loving, and continues to develop in the alpha stage.

The intermittent buzzing from my phone every time a new post is made on Discord somehow actually adds to the excitement (hope there is a way for the team and Ed to place in silent mode!). Such a great way to harness this community eager to assist with sound quality/musical bliss as the incentive/reward. So fun and an ingenious idea. In my view it all just adds further value to the Extreme investment. Take care everyone and have a great weekend.
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Well, given it is Friday night, I wish Team Taiko a bit of rest. Clearly there is alot of interest, opinions and excitement as XDMS already shows its great SQ promise and continues to develop in the alpha stage.

The intermittent buzzing from my phone every time a new post is made on Discord somehow actually adds to the excitement (hope there is a way for the team and Ed to place in silent mode!). Such a great way to harness this community eager to assist with sound quality/musical bliss as the incentive/reward. So fun and an ingenious idea. In my view it all just adds further value to the Extreme investment. Take care everyone and have a great weekend.

I uninstalled the discord app from my phone specifically to prevent my getting too obsessively involved. I try to limit myself to checking in twice a day on my desktop PC. Have a good weekend everyone

I can fully understand your skepticism.

What makes us confident on the Taiko Software Team, is the most difficult and challenging part is getting the software to sound really good. We know how to do that as evidenced by the SQ feedback we got from TAS users and now XDMS Alpha Users

We had no control of the UI in TAS, but XDMS is all ours and we can have it do and behave anyway we think will be appreciated by our User Group. It's not rocket science, but it takes effort, time and testing.

The Alpha User group has proved to be invaluable, finding bugs, making feature requests.

Software development has to be focused , compartmentalized and prioritized so that the Devs don't get overwhelmed. Happy Dev's write good code. They like writing code for the best sounding software, and one of the best looking software out there.
Hi Ed.
I never questioned XDMS SQ.
The customer service is simply extraordinary.
And I accept your statement that the software team is highly competent.
However, I am sorry that I do not share the unanimous fervor that the evolution of XDMS arouses (we can talk about it whenever you want), nor of course your affirmation that it is one of the best looking software out there and when I was in UPnP/DLNA I have used a few many.
Believe me when I tell you that it is not easy for me to tell you this, since personally I feel great esteem for you, but honestly it is what I think.

Note. I suppose that after your statement about the appearance of XDMS it follows that in future versions these “containers” or “cubes” or whatever they are called will disappear.
I honestly don't see at all what all the fuss is about. I think the vast majority of us Extreme owners bought the Extreme without expecting something like XDMS, or even the OS update. So for us it certainly is a free upgrade and an upgrade (OS and XDMS together) that I personally think is larger than the delta between the original Extreme and other servers. The OS update vastly increased the SQ of Roon, so if you like Roon that should be a great value. If you don't like XDMS just keep using Roon.
I was recently added to the alfa group and found that this is a serious upgrade. I agree with your comment Muto that the XDMS upgrade is larger than the difference between the original Extreme and other servers. They leapfrogged themselves. The sound quality is like a component upgrade rather than an incremental software upgrade. Going back to Roon for me would be like going back to my previous DAC or my last preamp - it would not make sense. And I love Roon. But once you hear the leap in sound, you will understand. The interface is challenging to navigate in this early stage but it is still it MUCH less trouble than dealing with vinyl. LOL. I am new to this forum and it is nice to see that there is very little bickering and tit for tat comments. They can ruin a great conversation. Glad to be here.

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