The Grid Protector, the EMI Protector and The Allocator By Schnerzinger-In My System and I’m Blown Away

Just to make things more complicated: the devices placement counts, too.

I ended up placing the EMI (elevated around 60 cm from the floor) EXACTLY CENTERED on the front wall, behind the speakers.
I also noticed an improvement placing the Master in the middle of the room, I mean at the same distance from the 4 MULTI GUARDS which are plugged into 4 different sockets (2 of the front wall and 2 of the Allocator on the side wall).
Luca! You told me to set everything to 11! (one louder)
I like everything set to II. I don't actually plug the Grid Protector, or the rest of my gear into power. But I believe I hear purity. (Unless I hum the tune)
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Luca! You told me to set everything to 11! (one louder)
I like everything set to II. I don't actually plug the Grid Protector, or the rest of my gear into power. But I believe I hear purity. (Unless I hum the tune)
Every one I’m sure will have different preferences
Luca! You told me to set everything to 11! (one louder)
I like everything set to II. I don't actually plug the Grid Protector, or the rest of my gear into power. But I believe I hear purity. (Unless I hum the tune)
Al, I was using everything to II, you are right. Both for GRID and EMI protectors. And they sounded better to my ears.

Lately I added the Allocator and most of all 4 MULTI GUARDS. These new ones pushed even further the impact on the sound, I found bass too much reinforced and mudded or boomy-like.
It turned out that setting differently the GRID and EMI - once added the MULTI GUARDS - could bring a better result, tonal balance and timber accuracy, speed bass and more coherent reproduction of instruments in general. Still having wonderful realism, don’t worry!
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three positions create 729 different combinations
The theoretical calculation is correct but the process is easier, as you don’t need to try them. You just need to try 9 different positions for each of the two units. The manual shows it.
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I know but it was fun to theorize So this still leaves 81 combinations
No no, it’s easier as you don’t have to combine each with each. The procedure is to start with the Grid (9) and if you’re through, then the EMI (9 again). After that you’re done.
Each time you do major modifications of positioning of radiation sources you may want to repeat the 9 variations of the EMI, but nothing more.
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Perfect. Totally understood. Even better will be when Gideon arrives to set up the loaner Plural Evos he will use his technique to reset mine. Then when my new speakers arrive he’ll be back to do it all over again The final reset will be when the speakers are broken in
This thread is essentially about these two devices, so you may answer "yes".
With its current giga canceling product portfolio, Schnerzinger addresses four areas: power, component, room and LAN.
The GRID is the start in the power area, the EMI for the room area. MULTI GUARD are the most effective extension for the power sector, they also have an effect on the room sector.
However, the areas component and LAN are also important.
The nice thing is that every measure in one area already enhances the entire system and other measures in other areas can be harmoniously added – pure synergy.

We are looking for the better and emotionally touching music experience. I used to choose cables and other accessories in particular to compensate for supposed existing defects of my system and to get closer to my desired sound. For a long time, goals such as speed and the greatest possible resolution on the one hand and musicality (fatigue-free listening) on the other seemed to be a contradiction. Again and again, progress seemed to be achieved through a new cable or room tuning, because certain favorite pieces now sounded noticeably better. But often the improvement did not affect all pieces of music equally and sometimes some pieces may even sound worse. This may be excused with "poor recording quality".
This path of constant measures of error compensation ultimately led me to a good system, but in retrospect I now understand that some steps led sideways rather than forwards. The path was not straight and not synergistic - too arduous, too long and too expensive.

Schnerzinger has opened up a new world for me, with its cables and later also with the giga canceling solutions (you may also read my posts 414 and 419, possibly 449 and 460 in this thread).
My Opinion:
- The Schnerzinger cables are most important.
- All four giga canceling areas are important.
- All of this works together in a wonderfully synergistic way.
How it affects on room RF?
My new Allocator is scheduled to arrive the first week of March. Since December I’ve had the chance to use in my system a unit (Allocator Max) kindly borrowed me from my dealer.

Unfortunately tomorrow I have to give it back, so I’ve just unplugged it.

Therefore I’m now listening to music without the Allocator for the first time since 3 months.

Sad, sad, sad.

It’s true, sometimes you can only figure out how a device works (or not) once it’s been removed.

The sound has drastically changed, for the worse. it was feeding just the Innuos Statement, the Tempus switch and the PSU powering my router. Nonetheless the impact is easily audible, again for the worse. The magic is gone. Less realism, less accuracy, less focus and separation.
All at once a step down, like a “hifi” sound vs the previous organic and vibrant one.

Never thought the Allocator could have such a great impact, I guessed GRID and EMI were the secret sauce. I was wrong.

Hope my new unit arrives soon!
My new Allocator is scheduled to arrive the first week of March. Since December I’ve had the chance to use in my system a unit (Allocator Max) kindly borrowed me from my dealer.

Unfortunately tomorrow I have to give it back, so I’ve just unplugged it.

Therefore I’m now listening to music without the Allocator for the first time since 3 months.

Sad, sad, sad.

It’s true, sometimes you can only figure out how a device works (or not) once it’s been removed.

The sound has drastically changed, for the worse. it was feeding just the Innuos Statement, the Tempus switch and the PSU powering my router. Nonetheless the impact is easily audible, again for the worse. The magic is gone. Less realism, less accuracy, less focus and separation.
All at once a step down, like a “hifi” sound vs the previous organic and vibrant one.

Never thought the Allocator could have such a great impact, I guessed GRID and EMI were the secret sauce. I was wrong.

Hope my new unit arrives soon!
It really is noticeable when you remove these devices. You’re getting the allocator Max What did you notice different from the Allocator
How it affects on room RF?
I hope I understand your question correctly and it's about the effect of the GIGA CANCELING technology on sensitive people who react to RFI with health problems. I had already addressed a similar question in post #421.

The Schnerzinger GIGA CANCELING technology reduces the interference radiation in the room. Schnerzinger offers an interesting article on this topic on its website under FAQ, category Protectors, fourth point „What differentiates SCHNERZINGER GIGA CANCELING interfering fields elimination from atmospheric, energetically informed electrosmog products?”

I once learned from Schnerzinger that there are even customers who have bought a Schnerzinger Piccolo protector especially for their bedroom because it improves their sleep.

By the way, I am not aware of any relevant health experiences of my own. There may also be a physical effect on me, but it probably takes place below my conscious level.
In any case, I feel very comfortable in my room, in which there are at least 15 Schnerzinger antennas.
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You’re getting the allocator Max What did you notice different from the Allocator
As soon as I receive my new Allocator (first week of March hopefully), I’ll be able to figure out if/how the Max version (I had in use until today) is superior in fact.

Now I’m just missing it…
But is the new Allocator the Max. Do they look the same or what is different I think you said a few months ago better capacitors
If you use the word „capacitor“ in connection with Schnerzinger, the units stop working ;-) you won’t find one there

I found there’s something written about the Allocator max and differences if you let your tablet translate:

But Gidon will know I guess. The text makes no complete sense to me as it’s not clear which products exactly it compares.
If you use the word „capacitor“ in connection with Schnerzinger, the units stop working ;-) you won’t find one there

I found there’s something written about the Allocator max and differences if you let your tablet translate:

But Gidon will know I guess. The text makes no complete sense to me as it’s not clear which products exactly it compares.
It's my failing memory. o_O.....but I do remember Luca did post what the difference between the two units is
I was told that the Allocator Max “ALMA” sports a (fixed) cable of the highest Schnerzinger level, I suppose Resolution HC 5. That should be considered if intended for feeding power hungry components. While the Allocator “ALLA” sports a high quality cable, the second top notch line, I suppose Resolution HC 3. Therefore ideal for sources or less heavy amplification.
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