WADAX dedicated forum

Hello to all!
No idea that one photo could generate this “heat”!
We used APL DSD MR SE because due the Virus Pandemic was not properly presented to public and we took this Opportunity to present it.

We at Ultimate Audio are very happy with the result of this system and was general opinion that was great sound system. That is the most important for us!
The system will continue for display and here and there some components can change. Even our musical selection for our videos need to change. ;)

We at UA are very happy with both Wadax and APL. Both are great brands.

We are coming from very difficult years and it seams we have some more ahead. People should relax a bit and do not take this so over the top.

all the best
Miguel Carvalho
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Sure both are good DAC, i think that this "Heat" come from a man called here "Guy", it seems that he has a shop and say that Ayre or Soulution DAC beats the APL DAC ...

He says "The APL DAC was very disappointing, even compared to much cheaper DACs than the Wadax like the Ayre QX-5 or the soulution 560 that we use regularly"

No problem, but everbody thinks that he did not really listen it :) Or something was wrong on his setup, or perhaps he wants to protect his brand (Ayre and Magico) saying that all other DAC are desappointing. Not normal for a "Professional"

But no problem ! We love music !
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Hello GuyB,

I usually don’t respond to such forum posts, but you being a well known audio store in France, and also a competitor to our French distributor HifiLink, I felt like writing something here so our fellow audiophiles can have a better grasp at what is going on.

HifiLink brought our middle DSD-SR DAC (15,000€ retail at the time it was presented) to you for audition. This was in October, 2020. Now it is June, 2022. At that time, you felt like the Soulution DAC you carry was “more dynamic”. It is your own opinion and I respect it. But you have never heard our reference DSD-MR SE too.

Since I understand this is a “dedicated Wadax forum”, and I don’t really want to contaminate it, please tell the real story to the readers.

You have became a French importer for Wadax only after this year’s High-End audio show in Munich.

Above automatically means the following:

1. There is no way you have compared any of the APL Hi-Fi current products to Wadax.

2. You are being quite disrespectful not only to your French competitor HifiLink, but also to APL Hi-Fi and all of our customers.

In your place, I would send my sincere apologies to HifiLink and also the hundreds APL Hi-Fi customers worldwide for your unfair posts.

Thanks in advance.


Hello Alex,

What you say about the dates and the context of the trial is correct and yet it is not opposable to what I wrote. I just wanted to say that I had tried both brands (and others) under the same conditions and with the same equipment, in our showroom. After listening for several days and unanimous opinion of my team, we did not retain your DAC in our selection of products. Do we still have the right to choose the products we like and sell or must everyone unanimously consider that your DACs are the best in the world, without it being possible to prefer another and express the least opinion about them? When we listened to your DAC, actually supplied by your French distributor, we preferred the different alternatives we compared it to, whether they were cheaper (Ayre QX-5) or more expensive (soulution 560) for instance. I actually wanted to complete our product catalog with a specialized DAC brand which was missing in our offer. We have also continued our tests since that date and finally chose Wadax, after other tests such as Ideon for example, whose Absolute DAC seemed to us to be a high-performance and interesting product, but which did not completely appeal to us. How would this be reprehensible and in what capacity should I apologize to anyone? I expressed my opinion without attacking anyone and without making negative comments about your products, but simply indicating that Wadax was in another league - fortunately, given the price difference! - and saying that I had been disappointed because I expected a lot from your products given what I had been told and what I had been able to read. It is you and your users who violently attack me, simply because I do not share the same opinion as yours. Everyone is free to like or not a product and to say so. Also, as far as I'm concerned, I never talk about products that I haven't listened to and people who know me know that I can't be blamed for that. I wish you much success, as well as much pleasure to your users.

Best regards,
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It is very interesting to me the amount of energy that has been directed in a negative direction towards the Wadax products. I am a Wadax dealer and a fairly early adaptor of the reference product. I had no intention of being a Wadax dealer and if not for the nasty politics of the audio business and the behavior of some of its dealers I never would have become a Wadax dealer. I had made a deal with another well known brand and only after making that deal and ordering the products did another dealer throw a hissy fit and managed to get the order retracted and a huge slog of BS thrown at me for the reasoning of this action. I had been contacted about Wadax before this happened but I wasn't sure to be honest that I had enough potential business for products at that price range. Let us be real that this is a small rareafied area of participants and possible owners. I had a few conversations with Jerome and Javier and I really enjoyed talking to them and I decided to give the product a try. I ordered a DAC, a the time the server was not available, and waited patiently.
It arrived. I opened it.I installed it. I let it burn in over the three day weekend.
I came in the next week and late in the afternoon after everyone was out or gone sat to to listen to some familiar CD's.
The word I used then and still believe is the correct word for me to use is Transcendant. It is something new, different, a new level or benchmark of what I have experienced. I have had or owned or extensively listened to, the other big names in digital. I spent the next week listening extensively to my music collection and was finally convinced that my theory that the software was not the issue all this time was true. This product changed my viewpoint of what was possible from the digital prospective.
There are many that want to hate it, or dismiss it,or call it names. I do not believe that any of those who have truly listened to it would say that. I am not talking about drive bys at a show or perhaps a few minutes in a showrom , but those who actually had the opportunity to experience what it does.
I called Mike L. after I listened for a while and told him that I thought this was a product he should hear. He came, by surprise , and listened. I arranged to get the gear in his system. We listened to his system with the Select 2 and the Taiko Extreme( server had arrived by this time). He wrote about it. He bought both. Then he became the target.
I have tried to stay out of this since as a dealer/distributor I am a guy who wears the audio black hat, but to be honest this stuff is just petty and childish. No one says anyone has to like this or any other product but the vitriol only shows how petty the Forum and Audio hobby can be.
If this product is that good than congratualtions to Wadax they earned it, however that does not make the others crap, or bad or lousy etc. It just means that there might be something new and superior and interesting to push the sound closer the real thing.This happens every generation or so and some other company will do it again in the future. The next time it could be a preamp, or a TT or a tone arm , and I look foward to that as these things always improve the sound of almost everything after they arrive.
If you are a musiclover that can play at this level you owe it to yourself to listen and make up your own mind.
It is very interesting to me the amount of energy that has been directed in a negative direction towards the Wadax products. I am a Wadax dealer and a fairly early adaptor of the reference product. I had no intention of being a Wadax dealer and if not for the nasty politics of the audio business and the behavior of some of its dealers I never would have become a Wadax dealer. I had made a deal with another well known brand and only after making that deal and ordering the products did another dealer throw a hissy fit and managed to get the order retracted and a huge slog of BS thrown at me for the reasoning of this action. I had been contacted about Wadax before this happened but I wasn't sure to be honest that I had enough potential business for products at that price range. Let us be real that this is a small rareafied area of participants and possible owners. I had a few conversations with Jerome and Javier and I really enjoyed talking to them and I decided to give the product a try. I ordered a DAC, a the time the server was not available, and waited patiently.
It arrived. I opened it.I installed it. I let it burn in over the three day weekend.
I came in the next week and late in the afternoon after everyone was out or gone sat to to listen to some familiar CD's.
The word I used then and still believe is the correct word for me to use is Transcendant. It is something new, different, a new level or benchmark of what I have experienced. I have had or owned or extensively listened to, the other big names in digital. I spent the next week listening extensively to my music collection and was finally convinced that my theory that the software was not the issue all this time was true. This product changed my viewpoint of what was possible from the digital prospective.
There are many that want to hate it, or dismiss it,or call it names. I do not believe that any of those who have truly listened to it would say that. I am not talking about drive bys at a show or perhaps a few minutes in a showrom , but those who actually had the opportunity to experience what it does.
I called Mike L. after I listened for a while and told him that I thought this was a product he should hear. He came, by surprise , and listened. I arranged to get the gear in his system. We listened to his system with the Select 2 and the Taiko Extreme( server had arrived by this time). He wrote about it. He bought both. Then he became the target.
I have tried to stay out of this since as a dealer/distributor I am a guy who wears the audio black hat, but to be honest this stuff is just petty and childish. No one says anyone has to like this or any other product but the vitriol only shows how petty the Forum and Audio hobby can be.
If this product is that good than congratualtions to Wadax they earned it, however that does not make the others crap, or bad or lousy etc. It just means that there might be something new and superior and interesting to push the sound closer the real thing.This happens every generation or so and some other company will do it again in the future. The next time it could be a preamp, or a TT or a tone arm , and I look foward to that as these things always improve the sound of almost everything after they arrive.
If you are a musiclover that can play at this level you owe it to yourself to listen and make up your own mind.
Hello Elliot,

Nothing to add. I could tell the same story. And to my great surprise, we have already sold two complete sets of Wadax Reference (DAC, server and Akasa) in one month to people who had not planned to make such an expense at all (like me with my demo equipment). But they just listened to the products and they love music...

It is very interesting to me the amount of energy that has been directed in a negative direction towards the Wadax products. I am a Wadax dealer and a fairly early adaptor of the reference product. I had no intention of being a Wadax dealer and if not for the nasty politics of the audio business and the behavior of some of its dealers I never would have become a Wadax dealer. I had made a deal with another well known brand and only after making that deal and ordering the products did another dealer throw a hissy fit and managed to get the order retracted and a huge slog of BS thrown at me for the reasoning of this action. I had been contacted about Wadax before this happened but I wasn't sure to be honest that I had enough potential business for products at that price range. Let us be real that this is a small rareafied area of participants and possible owners. I had a few conversations with Jerome and Javier and I really enjoyed talking to them and I decided to give the product a try. I ordered a DAC, a the time the server was not available, and waited patiently.
It arrived. I opened it.I installed it. I let it burn in over the three day weekend.
I came in the next week and late in the afternoon after everyone was out or gone sat to to listen to some familiar CD's.
The word I used then and still believe is the correct word for me to use is Transcendant. It is something new, different, a new level or benchmark of what I have experienced. I have had or owned or extensively listened to, the other big names in digital. I spent the next week listening extensively to my music collection and was finally convinced that my theory that the software was not the issue all this time was true. This product changed my viewpoint of what was possible from the digital prospective.
There are many that want to hate it, or dismiss it,or call it names. I do not believe that any of those who have truly listened to it would say that. I am not talking about drive bys at a show or perhaps a few minutes in a showrom , but those who actually had the opportunity to experience what it does.
I called Mike L. after I listened for a while and told him that I thought this was a product he should hear. He came, by surprise , and listened. I arranged to get the gear in his system. We listened to his system with the Select 2 and the Taiko Extreme( server had arrived by this time). He wrote about it. He bought both. Then he became the target.
I have tried to stay out of this since as a dealer/distributor I am a guy who wears the audio black hat, but to be honest this stuff is just petty and childish. No one says anyone has to like this or any other product but the vitriol only shows how petty the Forum and Audio hobby can be.
If this product is that good than congratualtions to Wadax they earned it, however that does not make the others crap, or bad or lousy etc. It just means that there might be something new and superior and interesting to push the sound closer the real thing.This happens every generation or so and some other company will do it again in the future. The next time it could be a preamp, or a TT or a tone arm , and I look foward to that as these things always improve the sound of almost everything after they arrive.
If you are a musiclover that can play at this level you owe it to yourself to listen and make up your own mind.
Now I think that you spent a lot of energy by answering something that didn’t happen here.
A picture was posted here showing Wadax server and APL DSD MR SE dac playing at Ultimate Audio.
As an owner of APL I made a comment saying I’d be interested about how was the sound with this combination. Just that.
Than the world almost ended
The attack was against APL , not against any Wadax product.
And it came from a dealer in France that seems to understand that the best way of selling his products is attacking other products.
As a result I am still curious about the combination of Wadax server and APL dac.
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Now I think that you spent a lot of energy by answering something that didn’t happen here.
A picture was posted here showing Wadax server and APL DSD MR SE dac playing at Ultimate Audio.
As an owner of APL I made a comment saying I’d be interested about how was the sound with this combination. Just that.
Than the world almost ended
The attack was against APL , not against any Wadax product.
And it came from a dealer in France that seems to understand that the best way of selling his products is attacking other products.
As a result I am still curious about the combination of Wadax server and APL dac.
Sir, I think you are a late comer to the party as there are pages and pages of what I talked about. I was not addressing you nor your post and I think you are truly being over sensitive to something that is far larger than you and your post. Try reading Mike L.s post about his experience or all the pages from the Cap Fest/Munich MOC etc. I don't know APL nor have anything to say on that subject. Peace!
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Hello Elliot,

Nothing to add. I could tell the same story. And to my great surprise, we have already sold two complete sets of Wadax Reference (DAC, server and Akasa) in one month to people who had not planned to make such an expense at all (like me with my demo equipment). But they just listened to the products and they love music...

the same has occured here and to my surprise all that have listened to my system now are truly pleased at what has occured.
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The attack was against APL , not against any Wadax product.
And it came from a dealer in France that seems to understand that the best way of selling his products is attacking other products.
You continue to want to maintain a controversy that you initiated. Although it tires me and deeply displeases me, I am obliged to answer you, because your words are totally false and defamatory towards us.

Ask about us before saying anything about us. Anyone who knows us knows that the way we work has nothing to do with what you say. We NEVER criticize a brand to sell a product. It makes absolutely no sense and is also of no use from a commercial point of view. The two customers who bought complete Wadax sets from us in one month do not even know of the existence of APL... What interest would we have in criticizing a brand totally unknown to our potential buyers? It's just stupid and ridiculous to think that. And even if it were known, we wouldn't, because that's not our way of doing it.

To repeat what I already wrote above and which you obviously did not read or do not want to take into account, I have never criticized APL, it is of no interest to me.

I simply said, and I stand by it:

- 1. Wadax is in another league when it comes to digital reproduction, and that goes for ALL of its competitors. I am far from being the only one to say it and to write it. Heaps of comments and articles have been written on this subject, as much by audiophiles as by music lovers, professionals and journalists. It's your problem that you don't like it, but stop picking on anyone who doesn't think like you.

- 2. I actually tried an APL DAC and I was not impressed. Does this constitute a crime? Do we have the right to say it? However, I have not made any negative reviews of the product or made bad comments, because I did not want to question this product and this brand. I simply expressed my disappointment, because I expected a lot. That's all, period!

So now stop saying anything and making sketches. I will automatically report to moderation all your next defamatory remarks about us.
I have had my Wadax Reference Dac and later on the Server for about a year now.
Some facts for me:
I listen to more music than ever
I enjoy my listening sessions more than ever
I listen longer than ever
I have no listening fatigue ever
I have definelty discovered or maybe just proven to myself that it was the hardware not the software that was so bad especially on the large collection of redbook recordings that I have. So much of the 70's and 80's recordings I have a loved are far better than I ever imagined.
I don't miss other sources.

I have had through my system 3 other audio heavyweights all over 100k retail and none of them come close to what I have now. They were all good but not equal each with different presentations. The Wadax is different, I have said this before, it has opened a door to something new and in this case I am glad that I walked through.
These are my findings, in my room, in my system, with my music.
As I said before I never planned on buying it but now I am thrilled that I did as it is the best audio gear I have owned becasue of all the reasons I have listed above.

One last thing. No one will sell you a Wadax it is something that you either get or don't and you will buy it based on that. If you have a world class system and room and can afford it IMO you will love the addition.
Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC and Wadax Atlantis Server have arrived exceeding sound quality expectations upon startup, out of the box and only getting better with about 150 hours of powering!

Yes, its level of performance and cost is equal to high-end exotic sports cars, and the looks may not be everyone’s favorite, though I am a fan of the design as I am with D’Agostino Momentum and Relentless. If you can, it's worth a listen but I warn you now if you cannot budget it then stay away, otherwise, you will start negotiating with yourself, and generally, that is not a good thing.

There is such a presence in the music, it is intoxicating, and the music becomes more engaging, enough that if you have an agenda for the day, it’s easy to simply lose track of the time. Then if you are not fully focused while in the listening chair, musical segments will sneak up on you in a spooky cool manner. When you are listening, simply close your eyes, and let the speakers disappear, the soundstage expands and the music is presented with dimensional attributes all around you, it is like you are on the stage. There is full energy, dimension, and detail that is accurately presented in a smooth manner. There is no clinical, brightness or glare, it is a full-body and controlled sound, one that does not become fatiguing in any way.

I have had much success with servers, and steadily they have improved passing a cleaner signal to be processed, it’s no different here with the Wadax Atlantis Reference Server. The Reference Server is built to compliment the Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC, so I will not be comparing others in the stable, there is no need to IMO, and this gear is heavy!

While the Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC is at the pinnacle of digital we carry, it does not mean Berkeley, Ideon, and MSB are any less in creating amazing sound. This goes for the Wadax Atlantis Reference Server as well, and yes Taiko, Aurender, and Ideon all offer something special as well. I am mentioning this, as I believe audio has so many variables, matching is an important part of the process, the sky is the limit!

In setup configuration, the DACs two power supplies are on their own circuit and the server on its own circuit via our portable sub-panel, including the ethernet switch for all to take advantage of potential and impedance. There are various ways how to best address power, it’s all fundamental in practice, and it is centric to audio performance and more.

The optional Akasa optical cable and interface connect the DAC and Server, it’s massive! I have two AudioQuest Dragon high current power cables for the DAC and one AudioQuest Dragon Source power cable on the server. AudioQuest Dragon XLRs connect the DAC to the Preamp. The ethernet switch is the Ansuz D series with DTC Ethernet cable. Each component sits on Critical Mass platforms with Sapphire shelves. I have not done anything in regards to footers and at this point, I believe it’s best to let time take its course and let things settle.

Shout out to Elliott Goldman and Mike Lavigne for the support and friendship in this endeavor to represent Wadax in the Northwest.

Long Love Audio!


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Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC and Wadax Atlantis Server have arrived exceeding sound quality expectations upon startup, out of the box and only getting better with about 150 hours of powering!

Yes, its level of performance and cost is equal to high-end exotic sports cars, and the looks may not be everyone’s favorite, though I am a fan of the design as I am with D’Agostino Momentum and Relentless. If you can, it's worth a listen but I warn you now if you cannot budget it then stay away, otherwise, you will start negotiating with yourself, and generally, that is not a good thing.

There is such a presence in the music, it is intoxicating, and the music becomes more engaging, enough that if you have an agenda for the day, it’s easy to simply lose track of the time. Then if you are not fully focused while in the listening chair, musical segments will sneak up on you in a spooky cool manner. When you are listening, simply close your eyes, and let the speakers disappear, the soundstage expands and the music is presented with dimensional attributes all around you, it is like you are on the stage. There is full energy, dimension, and detail that is accurately presented in a smooth manner. There is no clinical, brightness or glare, it is a full-body and controlled sound, one that does not become fatiguing in any way.

I have had much success with servers, and steadily they have improved passing a cleaner signal to be processed, it’s no different here with the Wadax Atlantis Reference Server. The Reference Server is built to compliment the Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC, so I will not be comparing others in the stable, there is no need to IMO, and this gear is heavy!

While the Wadax Atlantis Reference DAC is at the pinnacle of digital we carry, it does not mean Berkeley, Ideon, and MSB are any less in creating amazing sound. This goes for the Wadax Atlantis Reference Server as well, and yes Taiko, Aurender, and Ideon all offer something special as well. I am mentioning this, as I believe audio has so many variables, matching is an important part of the process, the sky is the limit!

In setup configuration, the DACs two power supplies are on their own circuit and the server on its own circuit via our portable sub-panel, including the ethernet switch for all to take advantage of potential and impedance. There are various ways how to best address power, it’s all fundamental in practice, and it is centric to audio performance and more.

The optional Akasa optical cable and interface connect the DAC and Server, it’s massive! I have two AudioQuest Dragon high current power cables for the DAC and one AudioQuest Dragon Source power cable on the server. AudioQuest Dragon XLRs connect the DAC to the Preamp. The ethernet switch is the Ansuz D series with DTC Ethernet cable. Each component sits on Critical Mass platforms with Sapphire shelves. I have not done anything in regards to footers and at this point, I believe it’s best to let time take its course and let things settle.

Shout out to Elliott Goldman and Mike Lavigne for the support and friendship in this endeavor to represent Wadax in the Northwest.

Long Love Audio!
Congratulations Ultrafast69 with the acquisition of the Wadax reference dac + server and Akasa cable. I know from own experience how impressive (that is impressive in a good way!) this combination sounds. And it clearly will get better because with only 150 playing hours you just started to break them in.

Like you I only very recently added Revopods footers to the dac after burning the unit in 24/7 for about three months now.

Just for my curiosity: what other audio components are you using? I believe I noticed Magico loudspeakers on one of your pictures but I am not 100% sure.
I had a Wadax DAC last year, and in April 22 i bought an APL DAC DSD MR SE (i discovered it at Hifi Link in the March 22 open doors, and i was choked !)
SO i have it now since 2 months and the music is full of live, marvellous ! I love that APL MR SE Dac !
This is the only DAC i can compare to my Air Force turnetable.
Wonderful that you joined this forum just minutes ago, so you could tell us this about APL i guess ! :rolleyes: Do i detect a Russian accent ?;)
It is impressive to see that all the people who listened seriously and in good conditions to the Wadax Reference set all felt the same thing!

The reactions are the same and the comments made always come back: presence, energy, depth of the bass, very natural treble, impressive dynamic, enormous sound stage, absolute realism of the voices, superb timbres, absence of harshness despite the extreme definition and transparency, no listening fatigue...

Of course, the comparison with analog playback is often made, but I don't think that's the key point. What is important is to see how much these devices mark the minds of all those who have listened to them. It is in this sense that we can speak of a landmark, that is to say a product which marks its generation by the considerable advance it has taken over its competitors and the level of extreme performance it offers.

And that's why everyone who listens to this set literally cracks and tries to afford it, even if this very high expense had not been budgeted at all. It is quite simply the force of evidence. This is also what happened to us last November when we had the products on trial for a few weeks. We never thought we would have such a crush. And we never expected to pass an order so quickly. But we needed this set as a new digital reference, as soon as possible!

Congratulations to Javier for the superb work he has done for so many years (I have known him for about fifteen years and I know everything he has developed since then). Such success owes nothing to chance.
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Congratulations Ultrafast69 with the acquisition of the Wadax reference dac + server and Akasa cable. I know from own experience how impressive (that is impressive in a good way!) this combination sounds. And it clearly will get better because with only 150 playing hours you just started to break them in.

Like you I only very recently added Revopods footers to the dac after burning the unit in 24/7 for about three months now.

Just for my curiosity: what other audio components are you using? I believe I noticed Magico loudspeakers on one of your pictures but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks, as you know they are great pieces. Did you hear positive differences with the footers? In this room, Constellation Performance Centaur II 500, Magico M6, Dohmann and Kuzma Turntables.
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Thanks, as you know they are great pieces. Did you hear positive differences with the footers? In this room, Constellation Performance Centaur II 500, Magico M6, Dohmann and Kuzma Turntables.
I am not familiar with your amps but undoubtedly you have assembled with great care a beautiful sounding system.

And yes, the RevOpods make a difference for the better under the Wadax reference dac. In particular the review of Roy Gregory gives a very good impression of what these devices are actually bringing to the table. That said, grounding the dac by connecting it to the Tripoint Elite NG ‘grounding’ box makes a much bigger - I do not hesitate to say (even) a profound - difference for the better.

Enjoy your audio journey with the Wadax reference combo.
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I am not familiar with your amps but undoubtedly you have assembled with great care a beautiful sounding system.

And yes, the RevOpods make a difference for the better under the Wadax reference dac. In particular the review of Roy Gregory gives a very good impression of what these devices are actually bringing to the table. That said, grounding the dac by connecting it to the Tripoint Elite NG ‘grounding’ box makes a much bigger - I do not hesitate to say (even) a profound - difference for the better.

Enjoy your audio journey with the Wadax reference combo.
ditto on the RevOpods; they are a good step up. and also on the Tripoint Elite grounding effect on the Wadax. except my Elite is not the NG and my Tripoint grounding cables are not nearly as amazing as Audiocrack's. i can only imagine how that works.
Why? I don’t understand these kind of competition….
I respect APL as other brands….
I like too seeing different Wadax combinations….
Will somebody feel upset? Preamp has been changed to Boulder. I doubt any Gryphon user will be upset by this change….
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