What exactly do you guys want from me? If someone writes a newspaper article about obesity in America, do you criticize it because it doesn't include every single potential contributor, or explain the precise way obesity leads to diabetes using medical terminology, or list 175 healthy recipes you can make in less than 20 minutes?
I just used the Search Posts function (thanks Amir) and found no link to any such article. If the comparisons were not done blind, I am not interested because they don't prove anything. Versus Nelson Pass's proper blind tests proving that most power amps sound the same, which I linked to.
Not at all. As long as you don't call me an a-hole as others have done, we're cool.
Haha Ethan no worries about the last line, while I may not necessarily agree with your approach or conclusion just yet, there usually is always something for most to consider related to the subject raised.
The purpose we all should remember (not saying this has been done but it is in our nature to be competitive) is that posting should not about being to try and win an argument, but to make us think deeper on the subject raised.
For me this even got me going back to reading old papers on timbre and effects caused by various types of resonance and also timbre affects related to spectra, while also following up again on other cool stuff that we sometimes do not always remember and think about in its complete depth.
Anyway, Amir captured the essense pretty well that the hypothesis in our opinions is an oversimplification or generic definition for an incredibly complex set of mechanisms that to be validated will rely upon many different defined tests and measurements at higher resolution or different focus than the existing ones we only have to go by as a point of reference (which as I badly try to point out by going with an actual real life situation).
Those two products; the Nad and Arc require the magazine to be purchased (mentioned this a long time ago), but lets be honest.
In general I am yet to see anyone and I mean anyone say a tube preamp with zero feedback sounds exctly the same as a solid state cheap high feedback design (for the very good designs with exceptional performance behaviour and measurements)
The use of cheap does not mean it is crap (NAD are really well engineered and implemented but cost considerations do have an affect - Bruno Putzeys has touched on this in the past as well in relation to use of negative feedback)
It does seem like a lynch mob but it is not honest
Basically I would say those of us quering just want correlated data to go with the hypothesis, which would also explain how the mechanism works (in reality it would be multiple mechanisms due to the varied factors and parameters involved).
As an example look at some of Floyd's papers and he will match objective measurements to see how they trend with both listening and operational behaviour.
My mistake was to jump straight in with detail measurements of two like products that are fundamentally different, while discussing the challenges and implications these had on your proposal.
Although to be fair I was hoping to raise awareness for posters who may not be interested in measurements to also try and consider them, including how they possibly (some may feel it not/is relevent) to your own statement.
Amir, I feel myself and a couple of others agree with what you very succinctly said, I blame you for not posting much earlier hahaha