I love this recording, too. My favorite version of Copland’s Symphony #3. I listen to it frequently and this recording always grabs my attention and engages me emotionally.
I also agree in general that many of RR’s other recordings don’t engage me musically.
It varies (RR); some music performances involve some audiophiles more than others.
It is mainly a Classical record label, with few Jazz & Blues albums.
Also, some days are better than others on our predispositions.
I do agree that there is a signature recording sound; of course with Keith O. Johnson.
We all know his love for expanded dynamics and his use of the [HDCD] technology from many years ago. ...Now with some on SACD (DSD), and of course hires audio files. ...The LPs.
I think the music performances take precedence over quality sound recording.
Both are audiophile attributes but from a different perspective.
Anyway I too like that Copland recording and I was glad to see Tang including it in his music repertoire.
* Other music record labels I like; Chesky (varied music genres), Analogue Productions Originals, AudioQuest Music (Blues) & dmp (Jazz)...just to name four.
There are many more audiophile music record labels...Classical music, symphonies, orchestral, Operas, chamber, etc.
** Tango is bringing music that is . . . high class value; some affordable, others less.
I just love this thread...it's peaceful and rewarding and musically educative...excellent for the brain, for the culture, for the advancement, for the development of all the children...from the wombs of women to the souls vagabonding above and below...all ages, living and about to be born and gone. Thinking of the departed I love and spinning sweet music for them. ...For our children's children.