Hi Amir,
I understand what you are saying. And I am not a big fan of reviewers, if you have read my posts over the years - I find most the scum of the earth. However, I do find it helpful when guys compare gear. For example, I think that both Fremer and Jason Victor Sirinious have AWFUL taste. For example, Fremer likes a bright, analytical sound - never complained about that wilson tweeter and happily paired it with Lyra cartridges.... I am just holding my ears as I type this.
But I find both Fremer and Sirinius helpful because when they compare gear, they are better to tease out the differences between products which helps both the audio fans searching for gear and the audio companies to better stand out in the over - crowded marketplace.
But guys who compare are a rare breed. Most guys are like "worthless to the audio fans" roberry Harley, who not only has awful taste
- "magico with soulution is the greatest ever reviewed"
- misleads people - wasting their precious time - time they will never get back! : "Berkeley reference dac is the greatest dac extant" - one would think that any idiot understands that the "best" does not exist in a hobby based on subjective experiences
- uses generic language that can be substituted to any review and means anything and everything to the reader (it was "transparent" and "resolving" and sounded "fast" and "smooth" with "pristine treble", blah, blah blah..) , and
- just calls anything uber expensive that he likes as "BEST"
Can anyone imagine a more Malignant influence on our hobby than Harley? Most other "audio journalists" just follow his garbage, unfortunately...but that is the type of leaders we have in this hobby
I disagree you, Michael Fremer is not awful and wilson tweeter is not bright.
The problem is in another place and I wrote here why I do not like audio reviews :
Audio Critique
I would like to share my idea about Right/Trusted Audio Critique in the High End Audio because Most Magazines need a better understanding of Audio Reviewing. I ask this question because me (when I was young) and my friends have spent many many times/efforts/money according to (and trusting)...