I had the good fortune to visit MikeL last Monday evening. Turns out we were neighbors for a time when I was living up in Seattle area, but before I had gotten back into audiophilia. And after years of reading of his system and his room (which inspired me for my own room efforts) I finally made a pilgrimage to “the barn.”
Oh my! A visit to Mike’s is a vision into what is possible in this hobby, and I will say he’s recalibrated my yardstick. Similar to my visit to Bob V’s place in Manhattan last spring where I heard the Diesis speakers, I’ve come away rethinking my understandings and expectations.
Consequently, specific comments by me regarding the Etsuro Gold would be out of place knowing how interconnected are cartridge/arm/table/phono stage/cables etc.
Mike was most gratious, spinning some jazz and classical to warm up the cartridge before playing tracks from a couple LPs I brought along. Of course, Mike’s rig is stunning, so I focused on nuance, harmonics, and blending of voices when singing harmonies. All the audiophile desirable traits are there on steroids in Mike’s room and for me it comes down to whether or not I’m able to get lost in the music, forget the gear, and be moved by the musicians intent. Now, I can sometimes be moved hearing music on the car radio, but I’ve heard some amazing rigs that provide all the sound but none of the music.
To be fair, we only listened to the Gold on the CS Port, so no comparison to the Ortofon Anna Diamond or Goldfinger. What I did hear however was amazing musical “gestalt,” nuance and subtleties supported the music not calling attention to themselves. Texture and detail in the lowest octaves, drive, force, dynamics; richness in midrange without getting gooey or honey-coated, and aliveness and air in the treble, all with delicacy in sustain and decay.
Thats all the audio reviewer vocabulary I can muster. I had a great time, heard nuance and subtlety as never before, and would encourage anyone in the market for a cartridge of the very highest caliber to hear the Etsuro Gold. If Mike L, who has the good fortune to own some of the highest caliber cartridges, and has owned and heard many others, says the Gold tops them all, I’m inclined to believe.