Herzan, in my opinion, has satisfied numerous hurdles. Herzan 1) makes sense to me in that I understand how it operates and what it is trying to achieve and how it undertakes the attempt; 2) is endorsed by both MikeL (in general) and by DDK (for tube electronics); and 3) makes sense to Jim White as a platform under the Io control unit.
If you can round up that kind of unanimous support for a particular brand and model of fancy fuses, I am all ears.
I will undoubtedly purchase after-market power cords, but I think it makes sense to have a working stereo system first.
However, I am conflicted about a Herzan under the American Sound turntable.
David prefers his American Sound without an active isolation platform. Christian and Mike have had great success using a Herzan under their respective turntables, but I think that having the turntable in a separate room makes the acoustic feedback concern less urgent for me.