Reid, Thank you for joining this discussion. I welcome and appreciate your contributions. Those pictures of the interior of the TS unit are very impressive and explain in part how much more complicated (and costly) your system is than my passive air unit.
I currently have my turntable on one of those less effective passive air isolation platforms with active self leveling. I am curious about vibrations being drained from the device that is being isolated. I have attempted to deal with this by placing my turntable on a whole bunch of steel. As you mentioned in one of your posts, the air platforms are most effective when they operate within 80%-90% of their maximum design load. For this reason, I have preloaded my isolation device with a 130 lb steel ballast plate. With the weight of my turntable, I am within about 10 lbs of the maximum load for the Vibraplane.
I also think this massive steel ballast plate helps to absorb or dampen any vibrations generated by the turntable as they are drained down and away from the turntable through the four feet with steel ball supports. So in effect, I think the Vibraplane is lessoning vertical vibrations moving up toward the turntable, and the mass of the unit plus the steel ballast plate provide a sink into which internally generated vibrations can drain down away from the turntable. Unfortunately, unlike the Herzan, there does not seem to be much horizontal or other axis of isolation in my system.
Could you please confirm that in fact this is what is happening in my system, and then also describe how your Herzan active isolation platform deals with vibration generated by the turntable itself? It seems that your primary market is for microscopes and such in various research settings and these involve devices that may not generate as many internal vibrations as do some turntables and CD players. Regardless, from the reports in this thread, your Herzan is extremely effective.
To give you some idea of my particular system, here is a photo showing my turntable, steel ballast plate and air isolation platform. Incidentally, I also discovered that the motor controller for the turntable also benefits from being up on the isolation platform: