To my ears, the Neurochromes are as near to perfect amps as I've ever managed to find. They have the harmonic richness of my old Thoress/Elrog 300B monos and the clarity and speed of my old First Watt F5 monos. You can put your ear next to the mouth of the 109dB/W@1m tweeter and hear just the faintest of hiss. The Neurochromes are superb IMO. I am left wanting for absolutely nothing.
But everyone to their own
Being DIY modules, perhaps the implemenation of the Neurochromes is as important as the modules themselves? My amp builder took extreme care in putting them together, including builiding massively over-sized linear supplies for them.
@bonzo75 will make a visit to my place in the near future. He heard my Animas when they were passive and being driven by the F5 monos. Being driven actively with multiple Neurochromes (one amp per driver) has taken their performance to a whole new level. Will be interesting to hear Ked's thoughts on how they compare with the best that he's heard.