He is not like most audio reviewers as he is the only one I follow in the major ones. There are some lesser known reviewers who can write the odd excellent review.
in his case you can actually relate attribute to attribute what he hears when you experience the gear, whether you like it or not, which shows that he is honestly describing what he is hearing. Examples across the years are his reviews of brinkmann balance, Allaerts Vs Lyra, the review of the lambda where he mentions it is like a tube got inserted into the atlas, and credit that he is the only major reviewer who compared the KL audio to the audio desk and did not shift. All production issues aside, audio desk actually cleans sound great. I could go on. I can never make sense of what some of the other big names write even when I agree on their conclusion of the product…many seem to be filling in prose. He was also right about the Allnic phono with the stock recti, though he should have swapped that recti, which he didn’t do. And he was right about the negatives of the Monaco TT.
two issues: his tonearms, SAT and the current Schroeder, are not owned by many, so he needs different types of tonearms to account for arm cart compatibility and reference. If he can’t afford them he should get them on long term loan

. That will make more sense to many readers.
and he should get an additional system, a valve based system, similar to the late Art Dudley, as it will give him a better perspective on originals Vs reissues compared to his current Dart based one.