After seeing Jeff's speakers today with remanufactured JBL 2235H 15" woofers I would be curious to learn what Peter at PBN Audio can make in the way of a subwoofer with three of those JBL drivers per side.
The thing is Brad, these are not proper basshorns.
Neither are the TOTL Basshorns from AG.
They’re just woofers, in a small cabinet with a TON of digital EQ.
I know someone who popped his head right inside one of the 3 Basshorns stacked vertically w the Trios, and alongside the lack of anything pertaining to a proper back loaded Basshorn, they hadn’t even painted the inside of the cabinet.
At the prices AG are charging, together with the, shall we say, “inexpensiveness” of materials used, the lack of rigidity of frame in the Trios, no way would AG get €120k+ from me even if I had it.
No, the sweet spot for AG is the Duos IMHO.
€120k, I’d rather spend on Pnoes horns, or the AC Symphonias.
Ron, you’ve heard Jeffrey’s custom PBN M!25s, off his new Lamms, w some tasty tape playback.
He’s seriously recommending them to me as a horns alternative to my Zus, in addition to the more traditional, conventional choices I’m gradually considering.
What were your thoughts on Jeffrey’s sound w these PBNs?
Have you ever heard that arrangement 835guy - you would think it would only be OK at very low frequency
I run a set of Classic Audio Loudspeakers, which employ dual TAD 15" woofers, a 500Hz horn with a field coil powered beryllium diaphragm and a compression style tweeter that rolls in about 12KHz. Its 98 db, 16 ohms- easy to drive with a tube amp. I like 60 to 100 watts- in my room its impossible to safely clip the amps without earplugs. No need for a sub- they go to 20Hz and everything is integrated nicely. The horns are very fast, nuanced, smooth and without artifact; people often comment that they sound like ESLs that have dynamic punch.
Might that be a solution? They are large but not crazy person stuff
Very interesting, Ralph. Thank you for telling us about your loudspeakers!
(This sounds like another speaker our SpiritofMusic should check out.)
Do you consider yourself to have a musical preference, Ralph? Do you listen predominately to one type of music rather than another?
Ralph, which exact model of Classic Audio are you using?
Since Classic Audio specializes in TAD, I will probably have them build my passive crossovers for my 3 way horn modules.