Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Hi JohnI write this with apprehension as it's not audio related. However, If this can help one person it is well worth sharing. It may also insure many more years of enjoying our passion.
Lately I have noticed a laboring feeling with tasks that typically, I am never effected by. Had my annual physical two weeks ago in which I passed with flying colors. Blood work the whole nine yards. For my age I am in the 1% for conditioning. Can't change Genetics. My General Practitioner said keep doing what ever your doing. I did explain my Cardio Symptoms and he made an appointment for me to see a Cardiologist January 16th. I didn't feel as if I was in any rush or in any danger. I was wrong, could have been dead wrong!
Long story short, I awoke last Tuesday morning 4am with chest pain. I knew right away what was happening. My wife passed in 2016 so I live alone. I got myself to the hospital. After several tests and finally a catherization they found a blockage and inserted a stent. Hopefully I should have a full recovery. Lots more wood to split!
I implore all of you, whether you have a family history or not. Pay attention to any changes in regards to this matter. Do not hesitate if you feel as though something is not right. Ask your doctor about low dose daily 81mg aspirin. Many different opinions on this and I am not offering mine.
I have made what I consider some good friends on this forum. I have enjoyed our PM and talking. I have received countless amounts of advice and knowledge.
I now offer my advice here...John
you and I seem to have been following the same life path.
Bilateral knee replacement 9 years ago and I had a stent inserted 16 years ago. I too had similar symptoms and as a doctor we were were always taught that “denial” isnt a river in Egypt. I knew what was going on as my wife drove me to the hospital I was on staff at. I was in the phone with the head of my ER as well as a friend who is a cardiologist. The team was ready for me when I arrived and all blood tests and EKG was normal. I knew that wasn’t the case and convinced him to do a coronary angiopgram and if necessary an angioplasty with stent. At my hospital we always had a backup team of cardiac surgeons in standby in case a stent could not be placed at which time they would have cracked open my chest and done a CABG ( coronary artery bypass graft ) using veins from my leg. Well as stated every cardiac blood enzyme was normal as was my EKG.
Well I feel I was granted a get out of jail pass as my angiogram showed a 95% occlusion of the so called WIDOW MAKER, my left anterior descending carotid. A successful stent was placed, I went to cardiac rehab therapy for several months afterwards and underwent a major mid life style change. My wife and I walk easily 25 miles per week and life the Mallory Bunny I keep on ticking. Thankfully I am symptom free over these past 14 years and am seen 2x per year by my cardiologist as well as a once per year treadmill stress test with ultrasound and all is well
Bottom line is never ignore such symptoms You and I need to meet John. We have yet another thing in common