I agree with you. I don't think it's an across the board improvement, particularly in the sub 30Hz region. Extension is good but transient rise and fall is very very slightly inferior to what I experienced with the penultimate build. I might be willing to give it the benefit of doubt in the 3-5KHz range however. Of course I can't do an A/B and audio memory is particularly suspect after 7 seconds as we know, but still, it has me wondering.... I'll continue to listen to additional material to try and refine my impressions. But I'm not convinced its a slam dunk improvement. Finally, this is on an Innuous, not a Taiko so I have no idea if that's relevant to what you have found..
The music discovery functionality is definitely an improvement, it does respond faster which is nice, also Tidal logon functionality is better, but I do have a slight beef with some aspects of the “new” sound. The low bass, though stronger, is a bit less well defined, I also feel there’s a slight loss in “natural flow/fluidity”. It does have some positives here and there, like reduced stridency for example, but naturality feels compromised.