My Roon takes about 2-3 seconds to locate the core and then begin to populate albums (About 7500) it can be a bit annoying especially if your iPad is constantly switching off.
Sorry I should have been clearer. After you play a track or two my iPad will switch off as per norm and getting it back on takes a few seconds each time.
I wanted to ask Emile and the Extreme users what settings they use in their Thusycon USB Audio driver.
Specyfically do you have selected in the Thusycon :
Always On
Power saving
I just experimented with this and wanted to confirm what is your preference or what is best / defult ?
As far as response via iPad I noted a small uptick in speed to populate screens and do searches (after the first search, which still remains slow). Two higher-power MacBookPros also seem speedier. This is with a library size of around 6200 albums/77000 tracks.
As far as sound quality, I'm not sure. I thought last night's session was a little more incisive and sometimes a little edgier than what I had been hearing prior to build 537. But that could have been me or the fact that I was primarily spinning vinyl last night.
There were times I had to wait, maybe 5-10 seconds, with the Innuos Statement. Also, had slow downs at times when scrolling through albums after they loaded.
With the Extreme, it has been instant since day one, zero lag at all times.
3000+ albums.
What setting is the "Memory for Photos/Artwork" set at in Roon? I'm currently at 1536MB.
As far as sound quality, I'm not sure. I thought last night's session was a little more incisive and sometimes a little edgier than what I had been hearing prior to build 537. But that could have been me or the fact that I was primarily spinning vinyl last night.
I agree with you. I don't think it's an across the board improvement, particularly in the sub 30Hz region. Extension is good but transient rise and fall is very very slightly inferior to what I experienced with the penultimate build. I might be willing to give it the benefit of doubt in the 3-5KHz range however. Of course I can't do an A/B and audio memory is particularly suspect after 7 seconds as we know, but still, it has me wondering.... I'll continue to listen to additional material to try and refine my impressions. But I'm not convinced its a slam dunk improvement. Finally, this is on an Innuous, not a Taiko so I have no idea if that's relevant to what you have found..