This is what I find really interesting. Remember when Roon SQ went south? I may have been the first person to make that remark on the Roon user web site and was torn to shreds. "How can something that is already bit perfect sound worse from one version to another" was the common cry. Now, with the new Roon 882 build, it's odd that nobody is crying "How can something that's already bit perfect, possibly sound better"!! Ha. The moral of the story is, don't believe anything you hear when it comes to stuff like this. Roon is indeed surprisingly better.The magic is back. But let's not forget Steve's mantra "In Emile, We Trust". (Wasn't that the slogan printed on the back of the Dutch Gilder before their conversion to the Euro?) Looking forward to the XDMS.So an interesting thing happened today. As you all know I have not been on Roon for almost 2 years and because of the recent comments by Roon users that the new update brought the SQ to the same or maybe better than TAS. I was listening to music today so I decided to take a chance. I was in TAS. Got into the control panel and turned TAS off and ROON running. I couldn’t figure out why there was no player. Texted Emile who immediately replied even though it was 9 hours later. I had totally forgotten that I had to turn on Roon through the app. DUH
Once I did the update and sat back and listened from my last recollection there was indeed a big improvement. I thought especially the decay, timbre and tonal balance sounded pretty darn good. I spent about 2 hours listening to ROON ( it was good to see my old playlistswhen I then played one of my demo lists which I also had on TAS.
To switch from Roon to TAS took a minute and some more time to load into memory. There were no changes whatsoever in the gain. It remained constant. The last two songs I played in Roon were immediately queued up on TAS and played. To my ears I can say that TAS remains superior. Interesting the same song on TAS sounded louder and to my ears had better tonality and layering. I also thought that the lower registers in TAS were better than the even bettered Roon
so yes there has been an uptick to Roon. Where I see things (or hear things) is that this reminds me of the Roon I remember when I first got my Extreme and after a few updates Roon suddenly lost its magic. This is where I think Roon is now. Roon seems to be now where I remember it right before that fatal update. As I stated it’s been close to 2 years since I’ve used Roon. The magic is back without question. The interface looks the same but many changes since I used it last. I prefer TAS but you can’t deny the Roon improvement
so I know that all of us TAS users are hoping XDMS shows up soon. There is no question that Roon interface is seductive but SQ is the goal for me. My bet is XDMS will be better even still with a much better interface that will evolve with our input to Emile and his team. I will as before continue to use only TAS
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