We just arrived back in the office after a roundtrip to Slovenia visiting Matej Isak of Mono & Stereo magazine. Matej was interested in reviewing the Extreme and we had a customer order there so me and my business partner Ton decided to take a few long overdue days off, do some sight seeing, and personally deliver both Extremes on site.
We had a great time. It's a beautiful country and Matej turned out to be a perfect host, a sparkling personality, a joy to converse with and very knowledgeable. We did learn a thing or two while there.
Matej's system is one, if not the, most revealing system I have heard thus far. It is totally free of colouration and the resolution is awe inspiring while at the same time musically completely satisfying. I was impressed with the low 0.4 RTC of the room having no detectable impact on liveliness. I tend to find these low RTC rooms to sound overdamped or even "dead" which just did not apply here at all. You will instantly hear the plusses and minuses of any system change, including moving a component footer a few mm to the left or right, I was fully aware of these effects but in this system it is more obvious then I'm accustomed to. A dream development system, and I guess that also makes it the perfect review tool.
Matej posted some initial impressions online:
It shows we had a good time on the photo on this link

While we had already started with our 16 hour lasting drive back to The Netherlands, Germany has a very annoying amount of Road reconstruction going on, Matej already posted a very early initial impression:
A few photos from the trip:
Evening view from our Hotel:
View attachment 57742
Ton enjoying the last sunrays of the day:
View attachment 57744
Early morning view:
View attachment 57743
View from Matej's home:
View attachment 57745
Matej's system with the Extreme in place:
View attachment 57746
Next week me and my other business partner Ted will visit the US and meet some of the WBF Big Guns.