Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

It is indeed!
My understanding is that there will be an interesting run out of either of those approaches:

a) add a wireless access point to clean side, but then large current draw and complex interactions with power supply

b) add an iPad with Lan to clean side, but then you add a copper cable and we know there will be a sound tuning effect (for better or worse)

c) control XDMS via port forwarding with iPad/Laptop on dirty side, but then latency plays a role

bets are open, any takers? :)
i have a small preference for (b) at the moment in terms of setup, I don’t mind too much one extra cable.
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My understanding is that there will be an interesting run out of either of those approaches:

a) add a wireless access point to clean side, but then large current draw and complex interactions with power supply

b) add an iPad with Lan to clean side, but then you add a copper cable and we know there will be a sound tuning effect (for better or worse)

c) control XDMS via port forwarding with iPad/Laptop on dirty side, but then latency plays a role

bets are open, any takers? :)
i have a small preference for (b) at the moment in terms of setup, I don’t mind too much one extra cable.
I thought Emile already said they've addressed the latency issue for your scenario c). So far it would have proven to have been a fools errand to bet against Emile and Taiko, so I'll go with Door number C.

Steve Z
Second LPS, those 2 rails do not “isolate” as much as you’d think.
I o
I should probably clarify that 2 “rails” is usually 2 regulators on the same single “rail” and therefore can be considered as one single powersupply.
The only power supply that I'm aware of with two isolated rails, essentially two power supplies in a single case, is the Mojo Illuminati 3. And then only if you pay extra for it. There might be others, but I haven't been exposed to them.
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And while I'm jumping up and down saying, "Goodie!" let me say that the recent back-end XDMS update and new .ini file for Project Lasso have made another leap forward in musical enjoyment via the Extreme. Really outstanding and while I haven't pulled a three-day endurance run like Steve W., I have really been looking forward to sitting down and playing old and new favorites every evening. Very emotionally involving.

Steve Z
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Question for expert Taiko, the XDMS V47 update is done by loading the application via Discord or via a Team Viewer assignment???

I am a little lost???

Thanks for your help
@Taiko Audio

I was wondering what could be added to the Taiko Audio's Extreme product line...

An interesting product to add to the Extreme line would be an AC to AC with batteries on steroids!

Capable of powering a large power amplifier and its preamplifier and/or DAC.

The whole thing would fit in a small package, similar to the Extreme Server.

That way the entire audio system would be disconnected from the power grid.

Is this something Taiko Audio has ever considered? :)


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Question for expert Taiko, the XDMS V47 update is done by loading the application via Discord or via a Team Viewer assignment???

I am a little lost???

Thanks for your help
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We have improved the port forwarding performance which will allow you to use the Extreme as you're used to, using your home wifi, using Roon, XDMS, VNC, Teamviewer and file sharing. We're still working on the dedicated wifi access point, it may become available as an optional feature, will not break the bank as we'd use an off the shelf AP, or we simply provide a guide on how to connect one yourself, but we need to start the presale to know how many chassis we need to finish in chrome and black.
I missed this the other day. This will be fun to experiment with. Clean side vs dirty side. My gut says that the performance is going to be at such a great level (it is already) that if there was a slight degradation using the dirty side for control, it might not even be noticeable.
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I'm attempting to understand network pollution/noise. Perhaps @Taiko Audio can elaborate. Would network noise be more prevalent in congested areas such as apartment complexes, cities, developed areas? Or is network noise inherent no matter what? Is that same noise/pollution the same on all networks? For me finally after decades with satellite, I have the latest best fiber buried to my home. Residencies around here are spaced by miles. I have a single feed from Spectrum, no other residence is fed from that box. I would imagine measuring network noise in Amsterdam might be different from some rural area. Just trying to get my head around this with understanding...
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Question for expert Taiko, the XDMS V47 update is done by loading the application via Discord or via a Team Viewer assignment???

I am a little lost???

Thanks for your help
Preferably Discord, when that gives you any difficulties feel free to contact support@taikoaudio.com.
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@Taiko Audio

I was wondering what could be added to the Taiko Audio's Extreme product line...

An interesting product to add to the Extreme line would be an AC to AC with batteries on steroids!

Capable of powering a large power amplifier and its preamplifier and/or DAC.

The whole thing would fit in a small package, similar to the Extreme Server.

That way the entire audio system would be disconnected from the power grid.

Is this something Taiko Audio has ever considered? :)



Yes we have considered that, the problem would be size / weight / cost, we use costly, arguably the best and most reliable battery cells, not often used in commercial applications due to their larger size, higher weight and cost. Their main benefits like safety and an up to 20 times longer lifespan then what's being used in EVs for example is not something the general public is willing to pay a significant premium for. If you do use them in an EV, it makes you uncompetitive with other EVs, and who needs an EV battery pack to last between 30 and 100 years... That in turn reduces the manufactured quantity, making them even more expensive. So for this we would need to look into cheaper cells, where reliability becomes questionable, especially after say 5 years...
I'm attempting to understand network pollution/noise. Perhaps @Taiko Audio can elaborate. Would network noise be more prevalent in congested areas such as apartment complexes, cities, developed areas? Or is network noise inherent no matter what? Is that same noise/pollution the same on all networks? For me finally after decades with satellite, I have the latest best fiber buried to my home. Residencies around here are spaced by miles. I have a single feed from Spectrum, no other residence is fed from that box. I would imagine measuring network noise in Amsterdam might be different from some rural area. Just trying to get my head around this with understanding...

I think we've all been conditioned into believing in something which does in fact not exist. There's no such thing as "internet noise" traveling through your home router. There's noise caused BY activity due to the need to process more network packets, more processing means more noise in the device performing the processing. Naturally there's download speed, where it takes a longer or shorter time to receive the requested data, which translates into longer lower intensity processing, or shorter higher intensity processing, creating a different noise spectrum.
Yes we have considered that, the problem would be size / weight / cost, we use costly, arguably the best and most reliable battery cells, not often used in commercial applications due to their larger size, higher weight and cost. Their main benefits like safety and an up to 20 times longer lifespan then what's being used in EVs for example is not something the general public is willing to pay a significant premium for. If you do use them in an EV, it makes you uncompetitive with other EVs, and who needs an EV battery pack to last between 30 and 100 years... That in turn reduces the manufactured quantity, making them even more expensive. So for this we would need to look into cheaper cells, where reliability becomes questionable, especially after say 5 years...

Dear Emile, I believe that if, instead of an AC to AC BPS, you produced specific models feeding directly the required DC of some DACs that have external linear power supplies that are used by Taiko's clients, for example one BPS that feeds the DC voltages of the Totaldac Sublime (replacing its external power supply), one for DC voltages of MSB Select II (replacing its external power supplies), one for CH C1.2 (replacing the CH X1), there would be demand.

Perhaps you could calculate the cost and make a direct inquiry to your clients to know the real demand for each model. Then you decide if it is worth producing these units. If many of your Taiko customers are willing to pay a reasonable price to purchase a BPS for the Taiko Extreme, and they are later happy with their BPS purchase vs. improvement in sound, most of them may be willing to purchase a BPS for their DAC. I would be interested in a BPS for the Totaldac Sublime, betting it would be better than a Stromtank.
"More Processing Means More Noise" Got it...
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Dear Emile, I believe that if, instead of an AC to AC BPS, you produced specific models feeding directly the required DC of some DACs that have external linear power supplies that are used by Taiko's clients, for example one BPS that feeds the DC voltages of the Totaldac Sublime (replacing its external power supply), one for DC voltages of MSB Select II (replacing its external power supplies), one for CH C1.2 (replacing the CH X1), there would be demand.

Perhaps you could calculate the cost and make a direct inquiry to your clients to know the real demand for each model. Then you decide if it is worth producing these units. If many of your Taiko customers are willing to pay a reasonable price to purchase a BPS for the Taiko Extreme, and they are later happy with their BPS purchase vs. improvement in sound, most of them may be willing to purchase a BPS for their DAC. I would be interested in a BPS for the Totaldac Sublime, betting it would be better than a Stromtank.

We would for sure be open to that, but I think we have a pretty full agenda with new product releases this year already ;) We launched the network card, switch, router and DC distributor, next up we have the BPS extreme and probably a "mini" standalone BPS to power small devices, we have the new interface with various digital and analogue output options coming up and last but not least, get XDMS from Alpha to BETA, and perhaps even out of BETA.
We would for sure be open to that, but I think we have a pretty full agenda with new product releases this year already ;) We launched the network card, switch, router and DC distributor, next up we have the BPS extreme and probably a "mini" standalone BPS to power small devices, we have the new interface with various digital and analogue output options coming up and last but not least, get XDMS from Alpha to BETA, and perhaps even out of BETA.
What's your point on full agenda? LOL!!
My understanding is that there will be an interesting run out of either of those approaches:

a) add a wireless access point to clean side, but then large current draw and complex interactions with power supply

b) add an iPad with Lan to clean side, but then you add a copper cable and we know there will be a sound tuning effect (for better or worse)

c) control XDMS via port forwarding with iPad/Laptop on dirty side, but then latency plays a role

bets are open, any takers? :)
i have a small preference for (b) at the moment in terms of setup, I don’t mind too much one extra cable.
I too lean towards option b -wired Lan connection to iPad- for two (possibly mis-guided) reasons:

1. It’s what I’m doing now and I don’t particularly like change.

2. I have a very weak WiFi signal to the building my audio room is in and I kind of like the idea of not being bathed in WiFi in at least one place on earth.
"More Processing Means More Noise" Got it...
It sounds like what @John T has with the un-shared rural fiber line is the equivalent of ATT “Enterprise” service. The Enterprise service around here (not rural) is prohibitively expensive however.

Does sharing a fiber, or cable line, with neighbors produce the equivalent of “more processing activity” that Emile refers to?
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