Zero Distortion: Tango Time

I think some want to push the agenda how silly videos are because they never tried them. Those who listen to them know very well it is not a substitute for a private set up listening. But in many (where the anti video brigade reads many as all) cases, it is better than hifi shows which are more misleading. At least in a video you get to hear a better set up develop over time and get these compares as opposed to walking into a bad room at Munich or such where you cannot separate put any component
I could care less about the platforms, I just like the vids.

That is a very valid opinion Carl.

I think some want to push the agenda how silly videos are because they never tried them. Those who listen to them know very well it is not a substitute for a private set up listening. But in many (where the anti video brigade reads many as all) cases, it is better than hifi shows which are more misleading. At least in a video you get to hear a better set up develop over time and get these compares as opposed to walking into a bad room at Munich or such where you cannot separate put any component

What is even funnier is that the people who know that videos are no substitute for the real thing think that the people who like videos use them to evaluate stuff (gear and records) as if it was the real thing, live or Memorex. Where do they get those ideas from, their brain?

How many music lovers and audiophiles and high-end audio dealers can afford to visit all the best member's hi-fi stereo systems here @ WBF...five, seven, ten, less? ...A dozen or two max.
The rest, one billion, they stay put in tights and tight and watch Tango's music videos.
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I am not trying to change anyone's view on using video to get a grasp of what a writer comments on sound. But in my view, a comparative video lets viewer hear the sound themself. They might hear something in the video a bit similar to what he described or might hear very differently or might not hear at all. This is the beauty and benefit of it. It could help creates tangible doubts to what the writer is saying. Of course intelligent people always have doubts reading someone's report anyway. But video does check and balance the report even more. Some writers are excellent excellent at writing, able to make you imagine the sound he described as you hear yourself. But these days we never know if there were motives behind. What if there is a video of his listening session open to tough listeners like Bonzo and ddk. And they can listen to it themself and they could comment otherwise that it is shitty sounding? Would not this be a little better than just flowing with the words the reporter write. Would you people who never tried Daiza in your own system just read and take beautiful words from Bill, MikeL, Emile, Eurodriver, etc.? The video will help getting a glimpse of sound for people interested in the product to see if they would pursue anything further. Video get people into discussion, even controversy and more scrutiny. Bob of Rhapsody said once he had customers contacting him because they heard the sound from his video and found interesting to them. The opposite likely happens too. Since we can not try them all, often audio products are bought by reading reviews, emotion, curiosity and faith. Have a chance to hear is a better shot than not hearing anything at all imo.

Most of my videos are not about a product. They are for showing music that I found interesting on vinyls. I just started to listen to classical music. I never thought there are so many, in fact uncountable, good classical tunes. I really don't know how to describe Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody by writing.

Kind regards,

Khun Tang,
Nigun please, its one of the best?

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i'm an agnostic video guy. just not done it effectively so no opinion one way or the other. i can appreciate what i hear, but can't make qualitative comments.

i have to go and invest in the proper headphones and headphone amp so i can do them justice. playing them on my laptop is frustrating.
Meh, just get a pair of headphones. I use some JVC carbon nanotube ones for my laptop that I damped and stuffed the cavity. I cannot see a valid reason to hookup my tube amp and some higher ohm headphones. Too much effort for MP3 quality, increases variables.

As long as the headphones aren't hard to drive, the laptop will tell you about as much as you'll get. Clinical studio mastering type reproduction is better for trying to read the information on YouTube - which is easy to get.
Khun Tang,
Tigun please, its one of the best?


As you wish my Master Yoda.

First video is Nigun/ CMS

Second video is Nigun/ Daiza

That album is very intense, very telling for you, and me on my stereo too.

But a video with nothing between floor and ML3’s is a must. I know it may not be something useful ultimately, but we must must know! I am waiting with suspense. I’ll refrain from comments until then.
That album is very intense, very telling for you, and me on my stereo too.

But a video with nothing between floor and ML3’s is a must. I know it may not be something useful ultimately, but we must must know! I am waiting with suspense. I’ll refrain from comments until then.

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That album is very intense, very telling for you, and me on my stereo too.

But a video with nothing between floor and ML3’s is a must. I know it may not be something useful ultimately, but we must must know! I am waiting with suspense. I’ll refrain from comments until then.
I want to know what happens if there is no platform at all too...just like you. But I will also take Tima and the Professor advise of indulging each case for a bit of time before any further change. See Folsom..I listen to everyone ;).

Actually if you have this album the next song from Nigun is also excellent and a better recording imo. I did not go further to put it on video. I just kept the music going and enjoyed it.
Kind regards,
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As you wish my Master Yoda.

First video is Nigun/ CMS

Second video is Nigun/ Daiza

Thank you SIR!

It's all screech and bang bang bang all the time with the Daiza. Every video sounds exactly the same, the harmonics are gone no delicacy and all instruments play at the same level and shouting at instead of drawing in. You know they're bowing different strings and striking different keys from the Daiza less video but it's all one note no matter the key, pitch or timbre with them under the amps. The beauty and the soul of Nigun and virtuosity of the musicians is sadly all Daiza'd and butchered, poofffffff, gone. Backgrounds and ambience in all Daiza videos always sound fragile and ringing like a glass shower stall wether it's a small venue cafe or a concert hall, all the same shower stall with Daiza. This is panzerholz, with grooves, foam feet, fancy names or not, you can hear the same fragile shouting soulless sound shouting at you in every single video you've posted with the Daiza.

That album is very intense, very telling for you, and me on my stereo too.

But a video with nothing between floor and ML3’s is a must. I know it may not be something useful ultimately, but we must must know! I am waiting with suspense. I’ll refrain from comments until then.
It's too hot for the ML3's directly on the carpet, he'll damage the amps like most electronics they're not supposed to sit on a carpet.

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I am quite surprised hearing the two videos. If this was a blind test and I had no clue what equipments were used, I would say the first video came from the EMT927 and the second video came from AS2000.

It's too hot for the ML3's directly on the carpet, he'll damage the amps like most electronics they're not supposed to sit on a carpet.


Who said anything about on carpet? I’m sure he has a utility knife and can cut some squares!

Actually I just didn’t know what the carpet is like, haven’t seen it in person. I thought it was thin stuff that isn’t much different from flat surface and the amps had some kind of footer.
I am quite surprised hearing the two videos. If this was a blind test and I had no clue what equipments were used, I would say the first video came from the EMT927 and the second video came from AS2000.

Yet they didn't! Not sure if your comment was complimentary or derogatory, shouting isn't dynamics and neither of these tables shout at you without tweaks. Try it with the EMT too both ways, that wonderful turntable has it's own inner beauty different from AS and any other tt.

I am quite surprised hearing the two videos. If this was a blind test and I had no clue what equipments were used, I would say the first video came from the EMT927 and the second video came from AS2000.


I liked the first video here. It’s more clear and more harmonics. There is something wrong about the piano on the second it sounds similar to what was on the Bap. The intensity on violin is less and bit rolled off.
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Playing with another cart on another table will also help to check
I am quite surprised hearing the two videos. If this was a blind test and I had no clue what equipments were used, I would say the first video came from the EMT927 and the second video came from AS2000.


David will be refunding all your money and taking back the table. You will also have to pay for the VTA lessons
I’m very late to this discussion but to my ear the 2nd video sounds neutered..i’ll leave it there..Otherwise Tang’s System is top notch.
Chatting with Tang, the CMS has better spikes to ground through carpet that will help. He mentioned a couple of attributes between the two that I cannot listen for on the phone. I think he might mention it here after more people finish listening though now some might try to listen for those two attributes which will be fun

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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