Zero Distortion: Tango Time

STEVE's GONE........FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Presently I’ve been in Las Vegas for the past 3 days supposed ri be enjoying time away with my wife. This entire subject has consumed most of my time here that it has impacted my weekend. I’m on my way home today. Hopefully men can be men and be polite
Bitches fight because audio.
Yes you did, and you apologized. When a video is posted you immediately return back to your old ways like this:
It is this attitude which I have problems with, if you hear these videos you should know something else is going on. If we can continue this conversation without premature ejaculations of this nature I would personally like to.

I'll stop ejaculating if it keeps you engaged. Let's go back to the crux of the matter that we disagree on panzerholz and how it affects sound when used in this manner,.

Whatever else might or might not be going in the videos didn't change anything for me, what I hear in them is what I heard several years ago when I conducted my own experiments with panzerholz. I heard the same anomalies 3 times last week, twice with Daizas which were easily verifiable and once in the panzerholz rack. I didn't even know what the rack was I just commented on the quality of the sound and system owner pointed out the rack and said that it was panzerholz. There was a 4th system I heard with something that looked like a panzerholz covered Stable Table but I didn't verify what it was so I never considered it the cause of what I disliked about that system.

Now peace has returned to this thread, some quick practical considerations for Tang:

1) Placing the Daizas on carpet is not what they are designed for. It just does not work well.
2) Rubber, compliant, or ball bearing footers defeat most of the Daizas purpose.
3) I do not consider the Daiza to be a replacement for the CMS stand, although it could practically serve that purpose. Sure you can attempt to go there, and you may even end up preferring it that way, but the floor would need to be solid, or its just not an option. The CMS is a stand, the Daiza is a tweak. There is a ~10 fold price differential between them for good reason.
4) My suggestion is to place the Lamms back on the CMS stands.
5) Then try with the Daizas between Lamms and stands but use different solid footers, I am sending you a bunch on Monday.

Lamms have been around for sometime now and people have tried hard footers with them including Steve with very negative results, CS footers he's using now aren't solid but compliant. Also Vladimir Lamm warns against using such aftermarket footers with any of his products.
6) From the video analysis it looks to me like there are some resonance issues with the Lamms on the CMS stands as there appear to be consistent small band spikes at 2K, 4K and some residual at 8K. This could translate into a degree of harshness and/or sibilance.

One question, how did you determine that what you measured and whatever it's supposed to represent is the fault of CMS or Lamm's feet from the video? Couldn't it be anything from your devices speakers to the recording, cartridge, tonearm alignment, the turntable, the cables, other components, a microphonic tube, low level noise in the background, etc., etc., etc?

In any case the complaints and the observations against panzerholz/Daiza were about loss of harmonics, micro and macro dynamics not this suggested resonance.

Also from video analysis the Daizas do seem to significantly reduce those spikes. They may be able to completely remove those if the rubber footers are replaced.

This is a good example of sending someone down the rabbit hole in search of the lost fart! Why I'm so vocal against such tweaks. In this case Tang and also in other cases the owners have no issues with their sound or systems, the negative reaction is only when Daiza is introduced and back to satisfaction, even for some video watchers here when Daizas are removed. You can ask your customers in private if what I say here is true or not. The logical approach, at least for me, would be to tell the person to remove the cause of aggravation and enjoy their system, as I've done with products I make or sell. You're instructing your customers, in this case Tang to disregard the manufacturer and lobotomize his $160,000 amplifiers that he's perfectly happy with without Daiza based on a measurement from your computer's speakers. With further instructions to continue borrowing down the rabbit hole in case the lobotomy didn't work.

My so called Unprofessional approach= Eliminate the cause of the problem.
The Professional approach= Go deeper down the rabbit hole.

7) Then its just a matter of taking your time to evaluate if you prefer with or without.
8) I have actually learned a thing or 2 from all of this, the remote diagnosing using video is interesting, am going to investigate practical applications.
9) As I understand it, the Bixby voice control agent introduced with the S10 is continuously modifying your microphone input to improve speech recognition. This is something to consider when making video recordings. Just FYI.

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Tang, I sent your video ... my Mom this morning; she said ... "Robert (my French name) that is lovely."
I replied; "Mom it's from an audiophile with great taste in great classical music."
As an owner of CMS racks as well as the same amp and preamp as Tang I cannot believe that there are resonance issues with the Lamm on the CMS. CMS racks function on the first law of thermodynamics. simply put IMHO resonance is a non issue.
Emile you heard at my house the same amps on the same amp stand as Tang. There is no resonance
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As an owner of CMS racks as well as the same amp and preamp as Tang I cannot believe that there are resonance issues with the Lamm on the CMS. CMS racks function on the first law of thermodynamics. simply put IMHO resonance is a non issue.
Emile you heard at my house the same amps on the same amp stand as Tang. There is no resonance

I agree, should not be there. Also did not hear anything in your system. I don’t even know if it something which is audible as it might simply be the phone recording. Which is interesting to figure out since we’re using it for evaluation now. The Samsung S10 does apparantly apply processing on the recorded stream. It might be interesting to have a recording of Nigun on just the CMS stands with the S10. Then we have a S9 versus S10 recording. But It’s up to Tang if he wants to do that obviously.

When I measure a frequency sweep on my loudspeakers with or without platform I measure no difference at all. Yet the video analysis shows significant differences. I do wonder what is causing that.
In any case the complaints and the observations against panzerholz/Daiza were about loss of harmonics, micro and macro dynamics not this suggested resonance.

This is interesting as the acoustic impedance mismatch between panzerholz and aluminium or steel is very large, in the order of 100-150 times for aluminium and about half that for steel. That should make it very hard for sound to cross the barrier. Think sound in air trying to enter concrete. Now there is more to it then that of course. But think about claiming it “deadening the sound”. It would interfere with the CMS philosophy of distributing or spreading energy through the whole system though. I’m not familiar with CMS products nor their mode of action. I just read the description on their website.
Bob at Rhapsody, what type of footers are you using under the 18 or so components that are sitting on these platforms?
Not to speak out of hand for Bob, but he is a child of the 60’s...these are the magic footers :)

Let's go back to the crux of the matter that we disagree on panzerholz and how it affects sound when used in this manner,.

That we do! You do have to pick your application. I have no argument with that. For example in a Piano, it is used to “decouple” the soundboard from the frame. But you would not want to use it as a soundboard :)

I myself have not noticed such effects unless used the wrong way / in the wrong position, like the example above.

I also have a hard time believing companies like Artesania, Kharma, Kaiser, Clearaudio to name a few are delusional. You do not pick this material for fun or bragging rights, it’s expensive, does not look pretty, is hard on tooling and the dust is unhealthy so you need elaborate dust control measures.
Bob at Rhapsody, what type of footers are you using under the 18 or so components that are sitting on these platforms?

Hi Peter,

For the most part I have my two TT's (VYGER and AF1P) and preamps and amps sitting with their stock footers sitting on the Diazas.

The one exception is the Aqua Formula XHD which I currently have double Diazas and Walker brass footers under the XHD as the AF rubber feet soften the sound.

I have several Kondo pieces (Ongaku, M1000II, 2A3s) that all sit directly on the Diazas along with several Jadis pieces as well.

The Diazas sit on either SRA or CMS stands and a few of the big Pilium 300 lb amps sit on the Diazas which sit on granite slabs which sit on the floor.

And with regards to ALF's comment YEP, child of the 60's here with my "magic carpet ride":)
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@Bonzo. Old people in this forum still can ejaculate. Why can't you? :oops:
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The Kondo Kaiser system in Munich is pretty dead, under driven, at least in that room, on a regular basis. I don't have experience with the speaker outside Munich
One of my friend/customer's room with Kaiser Panzerholz stands and Kaiser Kawero speakers. No video but I assure you it's not dead sounding.

I think I've sold 5 or 6 pairs of Kaisers and I never have thought they sounded dead. They sound natural to me and to the people that bought them.

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The Kondo Kaiser system in Munich is pretty dead, under driven, at least in that room, on a regular basis. I don't have experience with the speaker outside Munich
But Ked, that room is GIGANTIC and with moderate music as what the video that was just posted I disagree that it sounds dead. I do think that when you push the Kawero Classics in that room it just doesn't work because the speaker is too small for the monster sized room.

Last year Kaiser had their new big speaker there but the Kaguras did not drive the speaker sufficiently again due to the size of the room.

My feeling on Kaiser in that room is not a good barometer of the Kaiser and Kondo sound, but that's just my sense of it.
I recorded a small piece of the Kaiser / Kondo display at the Munich show in 2018. This is panzerholz speakers, racks and stands. Does this sound dead?

Another snippet from the back of the room:

I'm sorry but I listen to these videos through my laptop and they just don't sound dead to me.
Hi Tang,

You are the only one that hear the sound of your system with or without Daiza without being coloured by the phone. Can you comment that there is no loss of harmonics or dynamics using Daiza? I know that you have made some comments before. But in view of so much discussions, can you let us know your observations again?

To me, there is slight loss of dynamics or change of tonal balance using Daiza even using the foams. To be fair, I bought Daiza not to be used under my pre or power amps. It happens that while experimenting with different footers with David, I asked David's observations to use Daiza under my preamp. He also did criticize the use of
SYMPOSIUM Precision SuperCouplers and Stacore CLD footers under my pre and power. So I believe David is not out to get anyone. His observations are sincere and fair.
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I recorded a small piece of the Kaiser / Kondo display at the Munich show in 2018. This is panzerholz speakers, racks and stands. Does this sound dead?

It sounds weird. The piano doesn't sound right on the video. I'm not saying what is causing it, but the piano sounds wrong.

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