Zero Distortion: Tango Time

I found a used copy and ordered it. Once I receive it I am going to listen for the wood tone of the piano and also the violin and will also do a video with the Daizas under my TT's preamp and amp. Probably will use maybe VYGER>Kondo M1000II>Kondo 2A3 amp (4 watts/ch) or Ongaku>>> Diesis Roma.
I don't think that Bloch is a good demo piece
Better yet why don't you just bring me personally some good demo vinyls and we can explore together:)
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Why not just using a good Qobuz recording that any one can listen in their systems? ;)

My usual suggestion - the last two tracks of "Route de l'esclavage"

We should feel a very large soundstage, depth, clear voices , rhythmic flowing backgroung ancient instruments, aliveness and an impressive general flow.

Fransisco, I like the suggestion, but how many people are familiar with the sound of live ancient instruments? If we are to properly assess the timbral accuracy of a system, would not a more modern popular instrument be more appropriate? Voice, piano, guitar and violin come to mind.
what are ancient instruments?

Keith, I'm not sure to what Fransisco is referring, but I think of ancient instruments as various wind, string, and percussive instruments that are no longer in common use. I think of my Gregorio Paniagua recordings on the Harmonia Mundi label for instance. They sound great and are full of harmonic content, but I never hear them live. Viola de Gambo, harpsichord, some flutes.
Period instruments is the more typical phrasing. And as a fan of Baroque music, I have a strong preference for performances using period instruments. I've heard many live performances performed this way.
Period instruments is the more typical phrasing. And as a fan of Baroque music, I have a strong preference for performances using period instruments. I've heard many live performances performed this way.

You are lucky bazelio. I do not hear them very often in Boston, and am therefore less familiar with their live sound.
As I said this is very interesting
Yes intriguing. I just don't notice it here, but its all digital / solid state electronics. It also makes me wonder how much of the sound in the room is feeding back into the tubes. You would need to compare using headphones to answer that. I suspect that is not it but it would be interesting nonetheless.

on the issue of tonsillectomy

there are two indications

the first is recurrent infections as per the “paradise criteria”

the second is obstructive sleep apnoea

there is an advantage long term in still having tonsils for preventing chest infections

but if a child reach criteria for obstructive sleep apnoea they have long term Learning difficultly if not treated
Thank you for that, the last bit makes sense, we are monitoring closely!
You are lucky bazelio. I do not hear them very often in Boston, and am therefore less familiar with their live sound.

The only one you don’t want to hear is the dreaded Sackbut - bloody awful thing. I can say that as a trombonist :)
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You are lucky bazelio. I do not hear them very often in Boston, and am therefore less familiar with their live sound.
If you're interested and go looking for them, you may find them. They're typically not going to be held in your large well-known venues due to a lack of popularity. The last one I attended was in Sacramento, which is about 2.5 hours from me.
Here's an iPhone XS Max I just did, of a mediocre recording that makes some things sound weird I think because of splash between the two pianos being recorded near each other. The iPhones really sound bad IMO.

The music is still a pleasure to listen to though.

I’m not sure harmonics is the word choice I would use (yet), but yes I heard same thing with piano.

The Munich video has a similarity.

Very similar signature indeed.
on the issue of tonsillectomy

there are two indications

the first is recurrent infections as per the “paradise criteria”

the second is obstructive sleep apnoea

there is an advantage long term in still having tonsils for preventing chest infections

but if a child reach criteria for obstructive sleep apnoea they have long term Learning difficultly if not treated

I hope nothing serious with your boy. Our 2 year old has been struggling with severe colds his whole life due to enlarged tonsils. They used to just surgically remove them in the past but nowadays they want to wait to see if it resolves itself. It's heart breaking to hear the little guy struggling for air at nights though this is considered to not be a serious condition. That sure does make everything else rather unimportant!

Thank you both you guys for a thoughtful thinking. The day I got back from Austria I had to rush to see my kid at the hospital. He had something like Adenovirus and Parainfluenza at the same time. No problem with his tonsils. I stayed with him there for 6 nights. Now we are back home. Today we just went for a follow check up. Viruses, bacteria and pollution these days are so bad. When I was little, I never had these. Only time I went to hospital were when I had a bad case of food poisoning.

Kind regards,
Fransisco, I like the suggestion, but how many people are familiar with the sound of live ancient instruments? If we are to properly assess the timbral accuracy of a system, would not a more modern popular instrument be more appropriate? Voice, piano, guitar and violin come to mind.

Using a single recording of simple instruments will just access if the recording is more or less adequately balanced for our systems - the famous Floyd Toole circle of confusion. This recording has a rich mix of period instruments and modern naturally sounding folk instruments, as well as singers from different zones of the world. Its diversity makes it a very interesting timbre test for good systems.
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oh Tang

how stressful and worrying for you and your family
i have 3 year old and if this happened to me I know how much it would upset me
glad your boy is doing better :)
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