You are one funny person Tao. Now B is the new indicator for happiness. I will just have to keep buying B's.I also did make the Moravec for Moonlight and Pathétique Sonatas play as a big last ditch gamble to swing Tang across to the Big B just a few weeks back (see above) but I fear to no avail... I think it’s fair to say if even the Moravec move doesn’t move Tang to roll over to Beethoven then he’s respectfully maybe just a classical loving guy who just doesn’t happen to like Beethoven and it may be permanent... which is not so outrageous as it first sounds... I spoke to my therapist at length about it and he said it was actually all fine and that many perfectly happy people indeed don’t ever listen to Beethoven... it’s quite a liberating thing to realise.
Thanks guys for pouring me good music. My kid will eventually feel fortunate to have these music in his life too.