Here is another heart grabbing cello. The Elgar Cello Concerto. I am presenting three different records. Two by DuPre. One by Paul Tortellier. I find the two cellist play best Elgar cello. Rostropovic once said this Elgar piece is for the young passionate cellist to dig deep into this music of first love. He then never played Elgar again on any recording. Interesting thing about classical performance, even with the same musician the level of performance could be heard so differently from different plays. I think this Elgar is best with DuPre/ Barenboim a live recording. They together played it so emotionally and heartedly. Dupre/ Barbirolli sound formal with such majestic crescendo from LSO. The cello is less spotlighted and sinked into the orchestra more than one with Barenboim. Tortelier/B.B.C. Orchestra is only male cellist I found played this piece not so far away from DuPre in term of performance. All three records have a lot of surface noises. Pity. This is the only shortfall of old vinyls. Otherwise I find them the best sounding medium.