Except my speakers, they're not for youStrong enough reason for me to join as well. I won't need a salary then, just Christoph's stuff
Except my speakers, they're not for youStrong enough reason for me to join as well. I won't need a salary then, just Christoph's stuff
Thanks, I do live in Köln for many years now, but actually grew up in a wine region (Ahr) close by!
For whites I tend to go for German wines too, for reds I like to look a bit more south![]()
Emile said he selected Windows because the LInuxes he tried sounded hollow in the middle.
For Roon, audiophiles concerned with SQ is really a very small niche, so Taiko Extreme users are a niche within a niche and unlikely to be listened to unless Roon users suddenly experience an epiphany in terms of sound quality but I wouldn’t hold your breath
Darryl, I think you missed the point of my post. It had nothing to do with Windows versus Linux or why Emile made the choices that he made. Clearly, to the ears of all who have purchased an Extreme, Emile made the right choices.
My post had to do with the pitfalls that lay ahead. A stock install of Roon on top of a stock install of Windows 10 on a basic PC is probably not going to sound better than a stock install of Stylus and Euphony on that same PC to most ears. This is because Euphony and Stylus were designed with SQ as their top priority whereas Roon and Windows were not. As these products continue to evolve, Euphony and Stylus will continue to evolve with SQ as their top priority whereas Roon and Windows will continue to evolve with other priorities in mind, at least based on historical precedent and this means we will need to continue to rely on Emile to have to rescue us. There may come a time when Emile will be unable to offer a fix.
With the OS, it's less challenging because it can be forever locked down. With Roon, you cannot forever avoid updates. What would be ideal is if Roon could create a spinoff product called Roon Lite that was free of all the bloat and focused only on 3 things: (1) Sound quality, (2) sound quality, and (3) sound quality. Even better would be if Enno Vandermeer asked Emile to head this up. Otherwise, I see something other than Roon in my future.
IMO, Emile is right.
There is some interesting discussion about starting here:
Euphony may have done the playback part right, best the rest of it is amateurish. That thing locked up on me so many times, and I couldn't do a reinstall. I take no pleasure in saying these things.
IMO, the best alternative to Roon on a Windows platform is Audirvana.
The main focus is on SQ, it is very lightweight(23MB) and ir has a very good Qobuz integration which is better than Roon.
It is perfect for audiophiles who want to do streaming only.
Btw, where are you from in Germany?
So why would anyone use HQPlayer with Roon, given the added complexity that HQ player involves? The only reason I can think of is because of HQPlayer’s ability to enhance Roon’s SQ, which was basically the point I was making. So let’s say that Roon notice that a lot of users are using HQ Player and decide to add similar capability to Roon. For anyone not wanting to use HQPlayer, that’s ’bloat’.The vast majority of audiophiles running Roon are not using an Extreme. There is a large subset of Roon users using HQPlayer who are very keen to sound quality.
OK, then what would your approximate definition of "Roon Lite" be?bloat = an excess of software code that has nothing to do with SQ and likely is negatively impacting SQ often due to high latency
This is typically seen in software that tries to do too much.
An example of a software player with no bloat would be something like Bug Head Emperor which had a cult following once upon a time because it focused on doing only one thing well and that was excellent SQ. It had an archaic interface but the whole program was only about 60MB.
Roon Core is many GBs in size when you include the metadata database. Probably no one wants to go back to something as archaic as BHE and so this is why people buy an Extreme because it requires an Extreme to get something like Roon to sound as good. Should Roon continue to bloat up, even the Extreme may not be enough to rescue it and the dreadful sound I heard coming out of my Extreme the other day tells me this could happen.
And could you define "bloat"?
So why would anyone use HQPlayer with Roon, given the added complexity that HQ player involves? The only reason I can think of is because of HQPlayer’s ability to enhance Roon’s SQ, which was basically the point I was making. So let’s say that Roon notice that a lot of users are using HQ Player and decide to add similar capability to Roon. For anyone not wanting to use HQPlayer, that’s ’bloat’.
So why would anyone use HQPlayer with Roon, given the added complexity that HQ player involves? The only reason I can think of is because of HQPlayer’s ability to enhance Roon’s SQ, which was basically the point I was making. So let’s say that Roon notice that a lot of users are using HQ Player and decide to add similar capability to Roon. For anyone not wanting to use HQPlayer, that’s ’bloat’.
I’m afraid I don‘t understand your question. Anything defined as ‘bloat’ are essentially extra lines of code that are unused to achieve the goal but that occupy/utilise system resources either to the detriment of the final result or that require extra resources or work-arounds to offset their negative effect.Why would anyone use the "bloat" of Roon when the focus of the Extreme is on bit-perfect playback.
There are reports that SQ of Roon plus HQP is about the same as Audirvana alone.
Euphony may have done the playback part right, best the rest of it is amateurish. That thing locked up on me so many times, and I couldn't do a reinstall. I take no pleasure in saying these things.
https://kb.roonlabs.com/DSP_EngineSome people feel that upsampling gets the most out of the system (or DAC). It isn’t just a statement about Roon.
Isn’t HQPlayer available on the Extreme? I know it was on prior servers made by Emile.
Since you've criticized Euphony OS over several posts, let me just say that whatever your negative experience was, it is not universal. Certainly, my experience has been very positive, and Euphony's UI and UX are a joy to use in the context of Linux music servers. I'll be the first to admit Stylus is not even close to Roon in UX, but SQ-wise it runs circles around Roon. It is only on the Extreme, with Emile's heroic efforts, that Roon has been tamed.
As @romaz mentioned, he and I have found Željko, the developer, to be extremely receptive to our ideas, and collaboratively, we've caused SQ to rise even further.
I'll stop here, as it's OT for the Extreme thread, but I couldn't let this continued sniping go unanswered.
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