I guess that to some extent any conclusions we might reach about the audible effect of overall traffic, "burstiness", etc will be specific to our unique LAN configurations. In my case the NAS-to-NAS traffic I'd be using to load up the network comes "downstream" of an unmanaged switch and copper/fiber/copper conversion:
ISP > DSL modem/router > copper > OpticalModule > fiber > Extreme
Same modem/router > copper > FMC > fiber > FMC > copper > Netgear GS105 switch > all the rest of thehousehold and general computing stuff, including two NAS.
A different configuration might have a different degree of susceptibility to and audibility of network activity.
Steve Z
Absolutely, the more datapoints we can gather, the more likely it is we can develop a “cure” for a wide range of configurations.
A challenge for us here in The Netherlands is every houshold has a very well performing home network, even an entry level 20 Euro/month internet subscription comes with a decent modem/router and a 100/100Mbit internet speed. We have a 1Gb/1Gb subscription at Euro 50/month cost.
Basically we are unable to generate a good sample size of data locally.