Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Co-Owner, Administrator
I appreciate your review as it now becomes safe to say that CS footers on the Daiza is a strong gain. I find it interesting that your settle in was short. Mine has always been shorter than most and I always attributed this to the feet being on CMS platforms. I know your exuberance that the sound floor literally disappears. The 1.5’s under the Extreme is very special so to say it’s even better on the Daiza is great news for many reading thisOn the advise of Steve Williams, I purchased four CS2 1.5 footers about six weeks ago. The CS2 footers sit under my Extreme which sits on a single Daiza platform.
Steve was kind enough to provide some pointers on the installation of the CS2s. After having read the CS2 thread, I steadied myself for what I expected would be a long and tortuous break-in period.
Surprisingly, a not insignificant positive effect became evident the first day. Within a few hours of installation it was very clear that there was a palatable reduction in the noise floor and greeter bass impact. And while there were some days when there was a retreat in performance during system warmup, they were short lived. In general, I experienced a fairly continuous positive incremental improvement over the next few weeks as the footers settled in.
I’m currently listening to my system, and the effect of lowering the noise floor by adding the four CS2s on top of the Daizas is nothing short of revelatory. And that’s on top of a system performance led by the Taiko Extreme that was already extremely (pun intended) engaging.
Next step is to add another Daiza under the CS2s. We shall see.
If any are interested I have 5 new sets of CS2M 1.5’s. They are special under the Extreme but I’m very biased
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