Frank and Marc,
back in 2005 when I first tried the Halcyonics Micro 40 in my system, I used it on top of my 'passive' decoupling rack, the Grand Prix Audio Monaco. it worked great. no doubt it would have worked better on a solid grounded rack like the Adona I use now.
when Halcyonics says "it will NOT work in conjunction with passive isolation" they mean it will not be 100% optimized. but it still will do most of it's thing. when I sold my GPA Monaco racks and switched to the Adona I put around $9k in my pocket for the difference between what I sold the GPA gear for and what the Adona cost. which now equals almost the cost of my Herzan. to be fair, I did also buy some of the Wave Kinetics A10 U8 footers when I made the switch which I use under some of my gear and which also like a solid rack to be optimized.
if you have a high quality isolation/decoupling rack just sell it, and get one of the solid racks like the Adona. but you can still use the active isolation in the meantime. it will still work very well.
Thanks Mike but I ordered the HRS double wide, burl walnut with a couple of custom platforms, one for my SME 30/12 about 2 months ago. It should be just about finished in a week or two. The cost was and is outrageous. I think I'll hold on to it for at least a little while. And probably keep wondering what I'm missing out on with the Herzan.