Random thoughts:
Not sure a manufacturer has to state his costs nor justify in terms of cost/profit/ROI to us. If a manufacturer has $10 or $1000 in components and charges $100k for a speaker then it is up to him (manufacturer) to decide what the market will bear (i.e. what he can get away with) and us to decide if it is worth the cost. I expect there to be some justification for the price, i.e. marketing, but have found that may or may not have any real basis. Those who don't justify the cost to consumers won't survive...
That said, I appreciate reviewers who try to find out the "why" behind the design and cost; years of research, exotic materials, both, or maybe a guy in a garage out to earn a few bucks before folk catch on... Of course, some big companies have started in a garage (or its equivalent).
I tend to find the better designs have more R&D behind them, as well as better components. Whether I can justify, let alone afford, a $100k speaker over a $10k speaker is another matter, but that's my problem, not the manufacturer's. Is a Bryston, let alone Boulder, amp better than my Emotiva? In a lot ways, probably, but not enough to my ears and finances to kick the kids out of college.
My somewhat limited observation is that there seem to be a lot more super-expensive (to me) products around now than a decade or two ago, and also perhaps more focus on them in various media outlets.
A lot of people associate "what's best" with "most expensive", but many do not, and looking through threads and reviews there seems to be as much debate about which $10k+ ampliifer sounds best as which $1k amplifier. That is, plenty of debate at every price point...