Steve, I am no one special. I just think it is time consumers are educated so that the gouging at the high end can be exposed to the light of day.
In the end, consumers must make decisions for them selves. If somebody thinks Nordost Odin is worth $50,000 for an eight foot run of speaker cable..let them pay.
Like Bob said, this has turned into one of the most interesting threads of late. Andre, I respect what you say and believe your philosophy is correct. What you say about
Nordost's Odin being worth $50,000 is very correct, however, to some buyer's that is chump change! I think Mike L's point in an earlier post about manufacturer's banking on the Asian
market is also spot on. Why, because
IF I am a small manufacturer of high end gear and I can build a speaker or cable or?? for say $500- and sell it via my Asian distributor for $50,000...
well that's my
BIG SEXY GOAL! Do I really give a hoot if a reviewer call me out in the western press...
heck no! Remember, all of my western sales are simply icing on the cake as far as I
am concerned.
Andre, I also concur with what you say about consumer's being educated...unfortunately, I suspect that as long as the "safety net" of the Asian market exists, then this will be a major
uphill battle- with many manufacturer's pushing back. ( Not all, but those who rely on this business plan...for sure).
Lastly, I do think that many of the posts on this thread by reviewer's, could easily be misinterpreted by the readers. I for one, will assume that all those posting- have the consumer's best
interest's at heart.