Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

Damn, you’re all tempting me to hop onboard now we have Qobuz Hi-res but still no integrated (files/Qobuz) A-Z album list ala TAS.
Damn, you’re all tempting me to hop onboard now

Me too, but I’m waiting for that switch screen that Ed showed a few pages back so that I can hop between Roon and XDMS without too much faff. It seems that I may be very much in the minority here in using my Extreme as a whole of house Roon server. I think that most of you might be using it as a fixed location source/player like you do a CD transport or turntable.
This is a great post on many levels.

First, it is unlikely that the power of the Roon interface and all the information made available to the user hasn't negatively affected sound quality. For that reason alone XDMS will likely never match Roon in those 2 areas.

Second, some of the posts over in the Discord group seem to reflect that people have forgotten that this is an alpha release and not even beta. There is an expectation, at times, that all the features are there and working correctly. Part of me understands why since the Taiko team is unmatched in terms of customer service and quality. I do hope people relax a little as they work through their 2-mile-long to do list.
I’ve said before that watching the pieces come together with each new build is like watching a jig saw puzzle coming together. Each new piece shows more of the picture. At the end of the day it all boils down to SQ. XDMS has always been about SQ and how Taiko was determined to control every aspect of the signal path from the router until the signal exits the Extreme. I‘be learned a lot from those who understand this way better than I do and this happens every day on Discord. The beauty is that we now have a community of Extreme users who give feedback that has been instrumental in helping the Taiko team. This truly is a labor of love. Yesterday it was great to have hires files playable again on Qobuz. Those puzzle pieces are gradually showing us what the full picture will show.
Is the new ability to play files higher than 16/44 resolution only in Qobuz, or also in local files?
Hi Res Local files have always been playable

There was a bottle neck for Qobuz streaming Hi Res files which got unplugged last night
Precisely. That’s why yesterday when Qobuz was down I posted that it gave me time to revisit my internal files which have always played without issues
Just started my XDMS experience thanks to Ed's most kind overnight installation of the backend.

Could not think a better way to begin than this. I have listened to Ich Habe Genug from Opalach several hundreds of times during the last 30 years or so, and everytime it moves me deeply.

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Just started my XDMS experience thanks to Ed's most kind overnight installation of the backend.

Could not think a better way to begin than this. I have listened to Ich Habe Genug from Opalach several hundred of times during the last 30 years or so, and everytime it moves me deeply.

Where did you download this from, or are you streaming it?
Are any of you having problems with Qobuz tracks loading time being too long, and sometimes it just won't play at all?
Are any of you having problems with Qobuz tracks loading time being too long, and sometimes it just won't play at all?
Yes, that is uniformly my experience: no Qobuz play, just the whirling icon in anticipation. For a looong time. I can only enjoy local files.
Yes, that is uniformly my experience: no Qobuz play, just the whirling icon in anticipation. For a looong time. I can only enjoy local files.
Same here with TAS. XDMS seems to improve things apparently also on this respect, but not to a degree where I can use it as my daily driver for streaming.
My internet bandwidth is not up to the task for a music playback approach which (down)loads an entire track into memory before starting to play, especially since I mainly listen to classical compositions.
However, the bandwidth cannot be the problem, I have 1 Gb.
Same here with TAS. XDMS seems to improve things apparently also on this respect, but not to a degree where I can use it as my daily driver for streaming.
My internet bandwidth is not up to the task for a music playback approach which (down)loads an entire track into memory before starting to play, especially since I mainly listen to classical compositions.
Use Concert Mode which caches the next track in the Queue. Then the wait between tracks is less than 1 second
Although I work for Taiko, I work from home and don't get to visit the company very often. It's that Oldenzaal is a 2-hour drive from Amsterdam, otherwise, I'd surely visit more often! Here are some pictures from my recent visits.

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-29 at 4.52.57 PM.jpeg
Above: the new room with the windows still open

As always, Emile is tied up in countless projects all at the same time. One of them is to tune the second listening room in the new location. Indeed, a first room had been selected a year ago but no matter what they did with positioning and acoustic measures, they could not get it to sound quite right. Emile told me they even moved the back wall forward in order to achieve the Golden Ratio. Alas, as we audiophiles know all too well, getting some parameters right does not guarantee perfect sound just yet. Ultimately, the decision was made to abandon room #1 and start afresh with room #2.

Above: the new room with the windows acoustically sealed and lined with acoustic panels (a work in progress)

Fortunately, the building has lots of space and there were more options. The second room is nowhere near finished but already sounded much more promising.


The gents are currently building and placing custom-designed acoustic panels on the walls all around the system. These panels are actually made in the Taiko Audio Production "wood shop" area next door.

Let's take a look there, shall we?

This is only a secondary CNC machine used for smaller woodwork

This is the real deal!


Actually, "Wood Shop" is seriously underselling this place. There are not only various CNC machines for wood and other materials but also a laser-etching machine and a huge HAAS VF-3SSYT 3-axis CNC programmable milling machine. The latter is used for milling all of the Extreme's aluminum panels.



There's more in the next post!
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Here's Johannes, working on a batch of copper panels for the Extreme. To his right is the massive HAAS milling machine.




Here are some more detailed images of the thoroughly impressive HAAS VF-3SSYT 3-axis CNC programmable milling machine.

Screenshot 2022-11-04 111153.png

Screenshot 2022-11-04 111309.png
Screenshot 2022-11-04 111248.png

Here you can see the machine drilling holes in the Extreme's top panel.

Top Plate CNC hole-drilling 33D9F312-ED4F-4C00-93CF-88A1767706B5.jpeg

Finally, here's a nice pic of the Taiko team (minus yours truly;-)

Taiko Team FullSizeRender.jpg
Left to right: Ton, Ted, Edward, Emile, Johannes, and Jelle
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Use Concert Mode which caches the next track in the Queue. Then the wait between tracks is less than 1 second
I deleted the playlist. I closed XDMS. I reopened it. I chose Concert mode. I loaded a new playlist and the skip time between the first and second track has not changed. What am I doing wrong?
View attachment 99877

Here's Johannes, working on a batch of copper panels for the Extreme. To his right is the massive HAAS milling machine.

View attachment 99878

View attachment 99880

View attachment 99871

Here are some more detailed images of the thoroughly impressive HAAS VF-3SSYT 3-axis CNC programmable milling machine.

View attachment 99873

View attachment 99874
View attachment 99875

Here you can see the machine drilling holes in the Extreme's top panel.

View attachment 99872

Finally, here's a nice pic of the Taiko team (minus yours truly;-)

View attachment 99876
Left to right: Ton, Ted, Edward, Emile, Johannes, and Jelle
Gosh, for a brief second I thought that the guy on the right was Prince Harry who has finally found a paying job
I just verified that Concert mode does work with local files but not with Qobuz files
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I just verified that Concert mode does work with local files but not with Qobuz files

I would suggest, for the sake of efficiency, that if you have joined the alpha testing group to either file bug reports at support@taikoaudio.com or join and/or discuss in the discord chat which are the proper channels to file XDMS alpha bugs.
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