Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

I just verified that Concert mode does work with local files but not with Qobuz files

I listening to Qobuz and only use concert mode.
Same here with TAS. XDMS seems to improve things apparently also on this respect, but not to a degree where I can use it as my daily driver for streaming.
My internet bandwidth is not up to the task for a music playback approach which (down)loads an entire track into memory before starting to play, especially since I mainly listen to classical compositions.
By the way, I am presently not in urgent need of streaming, as XDMS has ignited the audiophile stereotypical "rediscover your entire library mode" :p

Every album I try from my most treasured library items makes me feel I am listening to a new iteration of my system, and as I savor the sensation, I am already fancying what that other recording will sound like, giggling in anticipation. Priceless perversity LOL

Some examples...

This recording highlights the vocals presence and realism, not a trace of the dreaded sibilants exaggeration I am especially sensitive to, together with the improved clarity and control over the bass reproduction, which seems to be one of the trademarks of XDMS. Bass has weight, impact, extension and articulation, even bloom when called for, but it is presented in a tight, sculpted shape.


This recording has struck me for the unheard (in my system) transparency and blackness in between the notes. Spatial organization is extraordinary and following the score of the several instrumental sections (it's Mahler after all), down to the single players seems more straightforward than ever, even within the most crowded passages.


This is another album I bought 30+ years ago and accompanied many of my life changing moments throughout. It is one of the recordings I grab (...well, at least figuratively speaking) whenever I feel the need of escaping from the minimalia of everyday's misfortunes (which is happening too often lately, but this is another story). It is great music, not a supremely good recording, but I find it so moving on many levels - ranging from the savage, threatening violence of the Dies Irae, to the impossibly poignant Lacrimosa.

Or the Tuba Mirum, where XDMS displays the singers and the orchestra in such a naturalistic 3D space, and with such a physical immanence that, even within the limitations of headphones listening, the illusion of being transported to the concert hall is so effective.


Now, time to go back to my old times musical love affairs, seems I have so many to reacquaintance with :)
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Sorry, I can't get boot translator to work on Discord
Ok, then please do submit a bug report by sending an email to support@taikoaudio.com, that opens a ticket and will reach the developer team, in this thread it will likely just get lost in space.
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Ed has kindly installed XDMS Alpha 2 on my Extreme and this now streams Qobuz HiRes 24/96 (even though the DAC shows 16/96). The combination of XDMS and Qobuz HiRes provides a significant uplift in SQ compared to TAS and has blown me away. I have never before experienced this kind of emotional involvement with the music and I am amazed by the increased density and lifelike sound, especially in the higher frequencies. Even my wife who does not care for music noticed from the neighbouring room that the sound had become "much better". In my opinion the uptick in SQ is bigger comparing TAS to XDMS than XDMS low res to XDMS HiRes. With XDMS I can play louder and it is less fatiguing than TAS.

XDMS has exceeded my expectations by far and I cannot wait to get my hands on and hear the new big power supply, switch, network card and router, when they are launched, hopefully in the near future.
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Here's Johannes, working on a batch of copper panels for the Extreme. To his right is the massive HAAS milling machine.

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Here are some more detailed images of the thoroughly impressive HAAS VF-3SSYT 3-axis CNC programmable milling machine.

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Here you can see the machine drilling holes in the Extreme's top panel.

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Finally, here's a nice pic of the Taiko team (minus yours truly;-)

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Left to right: Ton, Ted, Edward, Emile, Johannes, and Jelle
It’s incredibly rare to have this level of in-house manufacturing capabilities. Well done!

As a manufacturing guy, I have to call out Emile’s lack of appropriate footwear for a machine shop! Where is the Taiko Union Rep to write you up?


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Not currently, and it’s low priority as XDMS is all about Sound Quality. You can ofcourse always use Acourate Convolver.
how would you integrate Acourate Convolver/convolution filter with extreme / xdms
I have to call out Emile’s lack of appropriate footwear for a machine shop!

It's part of the secret sauce. The Extreme's “Umami” // “essence of deliciousness”
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Does xdms allow qobuz autoplay?
There was a heatwave going on at that time! But you're right, my bad!
Being the boss has to have *some* perks, doesn't it?

But we do want you to keep all your fingers and toes, Emile!

Steve Z
Although I work for Taiko, I work from home and don't get to visit the company very often. It's that Oldenzaal is a 2-hour drive from Amsterdam, otherwise, I'd surely visit more often! Here are some pictures from my recent visits.

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Above: the new room with the windows still open

As always, Emile is tied up in countless projects all at the same time. One of them is to tune the second listening room in the new location. Indeed, a first room had been selected a year ago but no matter what they did with positioning and acoustic measures, they could not get it to sound quite right. Emile told me they even moved the back wall forward in order to achieve the Golden Ratio. Alas, as we audiophiles know all too well, getting some parameters right does not guarantee perfect sound just yet. Ultimately, the decision was made to abandon room #1 and start afresh with room #2.

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Above: the new room with the windows acoustically sealed and lined with acoustic panels (a work in progress)

Fortunately, the building has lots of space and there were more options. The second room is nowhere near finished but already sounded much more promising.

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The gents are currently building and placing custom-designed acoustic panels on the walls all around the system. These panels are actually made in the Taiko Audio Production "wood shop" area next door.

Let's take a look there, shall we?

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This is only a secondary CNC machine used for smaller woodwork

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This is the real deal!

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Actually, "Wood Shop" is seriously underselling this place. There are not only various CNC machines for wood and other materials but also a laser-etching machine and a huge HAAS VF-3SSYT 3-axis CNC programmable milling machine. The latter is used for milling all of the Extreme's aluminum panels.

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There's more in the next post!
Oh my goodness!! Thank You Christiaan. The different facets are so interesting! Strangely this very morning I was speaking with a friend in Haarlem and I said to her next time I'm in Holland I want to see Taiko's operation. BTW she said count me in... Thanks again!
how would you integrate Acourate Convolver/convolution filter with extreme / xdms

Acourate Convolver can be used as an output device for XDMS, the output device for Acourate Convolver subsequently would be our USB driver. The way XDMS is structured now this would also allow the full functionality / "SQ enhancing" features to remain intact (bar whatever influence Acourate Convolver itself exerts which is beyond our control).
Oh my goodness!! Thank You Christiaan. The different facets are so interesting! Strangely this very morning I was speaking with a friend in Haarlem and I said to her next time I'm in Holland I want to see Taiko's operation. BTW she said count me in... Thanks again!

Of course you are more then welcome to pay us a visit in Oldenzaal, would be lovely to meet you in person!
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Of course you are more then welcome to pay us a visit in Oldenzaal, would be lovely to meet you in person!
The evolution of what you have put together here had to have been overwhelming at times. I can only imagine. Very impressive. Looking forward to seeing it in person...Continued success...
XDMS has exceeded my expectations by far and I cannot wait to get my hands on and hear the new big power supply, switch, network card and router, when they are launched, hopefully in the near future.

I am delighted to be able to announce that as of yesterday we have secured all the necessary parts to supply both the switch and network card in quantity to Extreme owners. Still it will be the end of January before we can start shipping.

It has been a very long and often wondrous journey as the first PCB designs date back as far as April 2020(!) after an even longer period of data collection and research, altogether we have probably spend as much as 3 years on it. But I believe we have truly managed to solve the puzzle, and as far as I have been able to track the market I did not see anything like it yet, hence further details will be released closer to launch.

I'm not one to boast about sonic qualities, but I'd say it's a very large upgrade, significantly larger then the previous hardware update to the Extreme (the April 2021 USB upgrade). Oh yes before I forget, Roon sounds sublime, better then ever.

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