Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

I am delighted to be able to announce that as of yesterday we have secured all the necessary parts to supply both the switch and network card in quantity to Extreme owners. Still it will be the end of January before we can start shipping.

It has been a very long and often wondrous journey as the first PCB designs date back as far as April 2020(!) after an even longer period of data collection and research, altogether we have probably spend as much as 3 years on it. But I believe we have truly managed to solve the puzzle, and as far as I have been able to track the market I did not see anything like it yet, hence further details will be released closer to launch.

I'm not one to boast about sonic qualities, but I'd say it's a very large upgrade, significantly larger then the previous hardware update to the Extreme (the April 2021 USB upgrade). Oh yes before I forget, Roon sounds sublime, better then ever.

Great news.

Any prototype or final build pictures you can share?
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How do I order and what is the price?
I am delighted to be able to announce that as of yesterday we have secured all the necessary parts to supply both the switch and network card in quantity to Extreme owners. Still it will be the end of January before we can start shipping.

It has been a very long and often wondrous journey as the first PCB designs date back as far as April 2020(!) after an even longer period of data collection and research, altogether we have probably spend as much as 3 years on it. But I believe we have truly managed to solve the puzzle, and as far as I have been able to track the market I did not see anything like it yet, hence further details will be released closer to launch.

I'm not one to boast about sonic qualities, but I'd say it's a very large upgrade, significantly larger then the previous hardware update to the Extreme (the April 2021 USB upgrade). Oh yes before I forget, Roon sounds sublime, better then ever.
Do you have prices set yet?
Ok that went boom, I guess I should have added you cannot order it YET, please hold the order e-mails, texts, phone calls till further notice :)

We will setup an order system to process quantity orders soonish.
Will the Switch, by itself, be marketed to, or useful for, only Extreme users or will it be something non-Extreme owners will benefit from as well in different systems?
Great news.

Any prototype or final build pictures you can share?
Some photographs would be very welcome while awaiting the moment to place an order :)

I am reluctant to do so 2 months ahead of actual release as a few things are very obviously and visibly different to other offerings. I'm leaning towards partial or full disclosure / detail in December.

A few details:

Size H*W*D - 50*235*235mm / 2*9 1/4*9 1/4", weight 15.1KG / 33 lbs and a looker IMHO.

It has a pretty wide range 12V-19V DC input by means of standard DC barrel jack. We will not be able to supply an audiophile grade external power supply with it in the same timeframe and at these quantities but can supply a standard 12V wall wart (still sounds great with that).

How do I order and what is the price?
Do you have prices set yet?

Not yet, trying to put the puzzle together between the R&D costs which are not unsubstantial as we have designed several switches over the past 3 years before "eureka". We gave up waiting on our several component orders, some of these date back to may 2021 and still have not arrived, so we have bought those through one of the fortune making brokers where you can pay up to 25 times of regular. We're lucky we're in high-end audio so it's not like an extra 100 here or there is a huge deal, but still I need to calculate it all properly. And we don't have chassis finish prices in yet, or rather equipment/material costs as if feasable I would like to start doing that part in house as well.

Will the Switch, by itself, be marketed to, or useful for, only Extreme users or will it be something non-Extreme owners will benefit from as well in different systems?

With some adjustments it's possible for non-Extreme owners to use but it will not give the full benefit, which includes a software / firmware interaction.
It has a pretty wide range 12V-19V DC input by means of standard DC barrel jack.

Do you have a size of the barrel jack, either 2.1 or 2.5mm? Need time to prepare :)
@Taiko Audio when the moment is right, perhaps let us folks with fancy-smancy switches know if there are SQ gains:
--using Taiko switch *and* other switch
--using other switch and Taiko network card.

It's understandably delicious when the Taiko integration is tight, using both products together, but if you have data or opinions on other usages, it will be helpful to know...when the time is right for your planning. Cheers, Emile...
I am reluctant to do so 2 months ahead of actual release as a few things are very obviously and visibly different to other offerings. I'm leaning towards partial or full disclosure / detail in December.

A few details:

Size H*W*D - 50*235*235mm / 2*9 1/4*9 1/4", weight 15.1KG / 33 lbs and a looker IMHO.

It has a pretty wide range 12V-19V DC input by means of standard DC barrel jack. We will not be able to supply an audiophile grade external power supply with it in the same timeframe and at these quantities but can supply a standard 12V wall wart (still sounds great with that).

Not yet, trying to put the puzzle together between the R&D costs which are not unsubstantial as we have designed several switches over the past 3 years before "eureka". We gave up waiting on our several component orders, some of these date back to may 2021 and still have not arrived, so we have bought those through one of the fortune making brokers where you can pay up to 25 times of regular. We're lucky we're in high-end audio so it's not like an extra 100 here or there is a huge deal, but still I need to calculate it all properly. And we don't have chassis finish prices in yet, or rather equipment/material costs as if feasable I would like to start doing that part in house as well.

With some adjustments it's possible for non-Extreme owners to use but it will not give the full benefit, which includes a software / firmware interaction.
I saw 33lbs and started LMAO!! I love things built with substantial stature...
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@Taiko Audio when the moment is right, perhaps let us folks with fancy-smancy switches know if there are SQ gains:
--using Taiko switch *and* other switch
--using other switch and Taiko network card.

It's understandably delicious when the Taiko integration is tight, using both products together, but if you have data or opinions on other usages, it will be helpful to know...when the time is right for your planning. Cheers, Emile...
My bet will be on Taiko rather than the fancy shmancy as the switch was designed to fully integrate with the Extreme. I have always said that I will only buy a switch when Taiko releases theirs. You rock Emile
I am reluctant to do so 2 months ahead of actual release as a few things are very obviously and visibly different to other offerings. I'm leaning towards partial or full disclosure / detail in December.

A few details:

Size H*W*D - 50*235*235mm / 2*9 1/4*9 1/4", weight 15.1KG / 33 lbs and a looker IMHO.

It has a pretty wide range 12V-19V DC input by means of standard DC barrel jack. We will not be able to supply an audiophile grade external power supply with it in the same timeframe and at these quantities but can supply a standard 12V wall wart (still sounds great with that).

Not yet, trying to put the puzzle together between the R&D costs which are not unsubstantial as we have designed several switches over the past 3 years before "eureka". We gave up waiting on our several component orders, some of these date back to may 2021 and still have not arrived, so we have bought those through one of the fortune making brokers where you can pay up to 25 times of regular. We're lucky we're in high-end audio so it's not like an extra 100 here or there is a huge deal, but still I need to calculate it all properly. And we don't have chassis finish prices in yet, or rather equipment/material costs as if feasable I would like to start doing that part in house as well.

With some adjustments it's possible for non-Extreme owners to use but it will not give the full benefit, which includes a software / firmware interaction.
Emile, can you provide the amperage draw information, too? I'd like to understand if my on-hand LPS's might work with the unit or not. Thanks!
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Emile, does the card/switch improve local playback as well? I ask, because I don‘t hear a huge difference with streaming between having my local internet provider switchy-noisy power supply plugged into the wall vs disconnecting it during playback.
@Taiko Audio when the moment is right, perhaps let us folks with fancy-smancy switches know if there are SQ gains:
--using Taiko switch *and* other switch
--using other switch and Taiko network card.

It's understandably delicious when the Taiko integration is tight, using both products together, but if you have data or opinions on other usages, it will be helpful to know...when the time is right for your planning. Cheers, Emile...

The switch is very different to other switches. The first switch we designed which had only positives, it did not provide a cleaner sound at the expense of density, it did not compress dynamics, it did not just sound more pleasing and/or "fuller" by rolling off the top end, IMHO it was truly "neutral", it only lowered "noise", but the most remarkable about it was that everything just sounded better with it connected rather then disconnected. This was around halfway into 2021, if I recall correctly both @EuroDriver and @nenon reported on it in this thread. We could have stopped there and just release it, it provided a good uptick in sound quality, and I'm sure everybody who would've bought one would've been pleased with it, but it did not actually solve anything, in stead it gave us some interesting insights. Which led to more discoveries, some of those led to the software update we released early this year which provided a similar uptick in sound quality as that switch on its own btw. What we have designed meanwhile and since then is truly different, and it operates and functions on a whole different level. It also scales with your system outlay. For example on the Alsyvox Raffaellos, with its huge sfa dual bass ribbons, it's almost like there's a +6dB boost at 20Hz while at the same time a mayor increase in transparency and detail in that range (yes there's detail in sub bass), it makes for a rather shocking difference, it produces shockwave like bass, but it's not just that, the midrange energy and drive is on a whole different level too, like if you went from an underpowered amplifier to something with power to spare. On the Magico A5s you don't get any of that, but still the bass is much more controlled and has more energy, grip and dynamic punch, the lowered distortion over the entire frequency range is very obvious, the midrange is more colourful and engaging. Removing the switch leaves me with a suddenly rather disappointing sound, grey and lackluster. I have a lot of switches here, but none of them do anything like this, this is more fundamental, it alters your musical experience. There goes "I'm not one to boast about sonic qualities" out the window, I'll rephrase to I hope you'll all agree with me in an attempt to keep up a degree of appearance of modesty. You are welcome to visit us in Oldenzaal and hear the difference.

So does this switch improve the sound of other servers, yes it does, but not to the same extend, and there's a good reason for that, as you need the network card, and a specific software configuration for the full monty. The network card on its own is an OK upgrade, the switch on it's own is a larger upgrade and IMHO a substantial one, the combination however is "magical".
Emile, does the card/switch improve local playback as well? I ask, because I don‘t hear a huge difference with streaming between having my local internet provider switchy-noisy power supply plugged into the wall vs disconnecting it during playback.

Yes it does, almost to the same degree as streaming.
Great news!! I don‘t know what Copperfield magic you performed this time, but I‘m afraid it‘s going to be legendary.

Shared props! We would not be here today without the outright massive amounts of customer feedback, hundreds of you providing us with your network setup data and experiences, willing to run experiments and report the outcome, the biggest part of the answer is in all that data.
Yes it does, almost to the same degree as streaming.
Was all your testing/demoing done with UTP CAT6A. (Unshielded) Or did you experiment with anything else?

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