Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

i'd really like to have a way to utilize internet radio stations, both hirez (like mother earth radio) and lower quality (like news or podcasts)

i don't want to divert effort from xdms and the new hardware, but perhaps a future feature?
Added to the list of requested features:)
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Can you help me understand what is meant by this:

The router includes a new type of “problem-solving” power supply. The Router may also be powered by our new to be released Taiko Audio BPS (to be detailed in a separate document), but if the Router is not placed close to the system, it may need its own power supply.

I'm confused. The router has a power supply but may need another one depending upon where it is placed?? And when you say "if it is not placed close to the system...", what part of the system exactly are you referring to?
Here’s my translation:

1 - The router has its own power supply.
2 - If you get the battery power supply and the router is close to the Extreme and BPS then you can power the router with the BPS as well.
dminches explained it correctly. This also relates to another question about where ideally to place the router: either close to the system (audio system and Extreme) of away from it, where routers usually reside. In the case of the latter it cannot be powered by the BPS and you will need to power it with its own power supply. I will make this clearer in the document.
Completely disagree. The end goal is to recreate live music, at least for most of us. It’s actually not that subjective, although it will differ from one person to another.
Thanks for passing judgement on my comment though!
Perception is reality...
dminches explained it correctly. This also relates to another question about where ideally to place the router: either close to the system (audio system and Extreme) of away from it, where routers usually reside. In the case of the latter it cannot be powered by the BPS and you will need to power it with its own power supply. I will make this clearer in the document.
Thank you Christiaan. A follow up question. Will the PS that comes in the router be a LPS? If not, and assuming one does not want to go for the Taiko battery supply, will the router accept an external LPS through a conventional 2.1 or 2.5mm plug input?
dminches explained it correctly. This also relates to another question about where ideally to place the router: either close to the system (audio system and Extreme) of away from it, where routers usually reside. In the case of the latter it cannot be powered by the BPS and you will need to power it with its own power supply. I will make this clearer in the document.
Will it be possible to power BOTH the switch and router via the BPS
Thank you Christiaan. A follow up question. Will the PS that comes in the router be a LPS? If not, and assuming one does not want to go for the Taiko battery supply, will the router accept an external LPS through a conventional 2.1 or 2.5mm plug input?
Yes. The details are in the PDF docs that Christiaan has put together.
regarding the router:
while we are waiting for the switch & router, are there any router settings you have discovered that we can take advantage of in the short term? any settings in general, or any settings that will provide specific synergy with the switch we'll be getting in the next month?
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Completely disagree. The end goal is to recreate live music, at least for most of us. It’s actually not that subjective, although it will differ from one person to another.
Thanks for passing judgement on my comment though!

I think now we are disagreeing on semantics. Can you tell us what do you mean by "to recreate live music" - the physical facsimile of the sound waveform or the perceptual illusion of live music?
Maybe you two can take this to PM or another thread since it isn't specific to the Taiko Extreme?
Will it be possible to power BOTH the switch and router via the BPS
The BPS will have 3 outputs and can be expanded to more. The Extreme would occupy one of these outputs. That would leave room for the Switch as well as the Router (provided the router is placed near the system).
Stereo Times "Most Wanted Components" 2023

Taiko Audio Extreme Music Server ($33,000.00 with enhanced USB card and Extreme network card): The Taiko Audio Extreme is a State-of-the-Art Music Server created to render music as realistic and life-like sound from stored music files and streaming. The Extreme resolved tremendous amounts of detail without sounding overwhelmed, etched, or analytical. Sonically speaking, in my system, the Extreme is good as it gets. Taking off its massive top cover, I gazed inside and was blown away by the artistry and parts used and the impeccable construction. It’s a NASA engineering. Review in the works. (Key Kim)

taiko server-exterior2.jpg
Is the foot print of the BPS the same as the switch and router? Want to build a rack for them

No the BPS is larger, we're designing a mini BPS, also aimed to launch in May, but that would need to be twice as large. It could be the same width+height but twice as deep, we're currently trying to fit the BMS to fit on a PCB making this possible.

The BPS for the Extreme is much larger, it will need a large amount of cells to be able to get a workable amount on playing time (charge once every 24 hours). We are working on 3 scenarios for this:

1) An internal BPS in the existing current chassis.
2) An internal BPS in a new chassis matching the new Switch and Router looks, this chassis would be slightly larger and considerable heavier then the current Extreme and comes with, imho, improved looks. Of course you can exchange your current chassis under the same upgrade value protection plan. This new chassis will be much easier for us to manufacture and assemble.
3) An external BPS to power your current Extreme externally.

Meaning we'll have a myriad of options to choose, which is actually not problematic for us as we can manufacture all of it in house.
regarding the router:
while we are waiting for the switch & router, are there any router settings you have discovered that we can take advantage of in the short term? any settings in general, or any settings that will provide specific synergy with the switch we'll be getting in the next month?

No unfortunately that really works out differently for each router / network and even ISP.
Yes. The details are in the PDF docs that Christiaan has put together.

I'm afraid we are facing a copy / paste error in the documentation here.

Both the Switch and Router have a 12-19V DC input and neither are supplied with a LPS. Both can be power by the upcoming BPS options. We could consider supplying a LPS at a later stage which would be a lower cost alternative to a BPS, especially considering it would not need to be regulated, but our manufacturing capacity is currently maxed out.
No the BPS is larger, we're designing a mini BPS, also aimed to launch in May, but that would need to be twice as large. It could be the same width+height but twice as deep, we're currently trying to fit the BMS to fit on a PCB making this possible.

The BPS for the Extreme is much larger, it will need a large amount of cells to be able to get a workable amount on playing time (charge once every 24 hours). We are working on 3 scenarios for this:

1) An internal BPS in the existing current chassis.
2) An internal BPS in a new chassis matching the new Switch and Router looks, this chassis would be slightly larger and considerable heavier then the current Extreme and comes with, imho, improved looks. Of course you can exchange your current chassis under the same upgrade value protection plan. This new chassis will be much easier for us to manufacture and assemble.
3) An external BPS to power your current Extreme externally.

Meaning we'll have a myriad of options to choose, which is actually not problematic for us as we can manufacture all of it in house.
I like the fact you are considering multiple approaches. This gives the user options as to how they want to approach BPS application.
On a different note has Lampizator showed interest in becoming part of the new interface?
That’s what I do too. I guess I do use Playlists after all, I just never save them.
I think Steve and you are confusing Queue and Playlist.

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