Is it "whats best forum" , or what's more expensive

It ..$$$$ ....depends on room size a lot , a loudspeaker has to fit to the room , a big loud speaker in a small room and off course the other way around doesnt sound nice , the speaker has to able to energize the room properly .
A big amount of money in large speakers goes into the bass section , these require usually big " boxes" , these need to be braced very heavily not to interfere with the signal , these makes them very expensive , the cabinet is " the" money absorber in loudspeakers .
So point of the story is , having not an extremely large room reduces the cost of the system considerably , with still good sound
---- Michael Fremer; does he have too much 'loudspeaker' in his music listening room?

And, can the bass coming from those interfere with his 'table' (TT).

* Big Wilsons, and Continuum Audio Labs Caliburn, respectively.
I forgot which Wilson model he uses in his room; the MAXX Series 3 or the Alexandria XLF?
...I know that he's sitting just over eight feet from them.
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I like the new MSB Analog. Dan Wright of Modwright is working on a killer DAC, and I will check that out also. I just got my Modwright Oppo 105, and honest to God, it is a giant killer. I also just purchased a Hegel H30, so am as happy as a biker in Sturgis bar.
-- I was looking at Bill's website (Purity Audio Design), and noticed the design of the components (external looks), and couldn't stop making a comparison (in my head) between their looks and the ones of Emotiva's products (in particular those 'blue' lights on the 'black' front faces, and also the 'silver' push-buttons and wheel-knobs).

Now, I know nothing about 'Purity' products; just a simple remark on the outside looks.
...And I know nothing either about their prices, and internals.

But I do know about Emotiva's products, and I do know about their prices, and internals as well.

I went to Purity's website this morning. The internals are a work of electrical art and master craftsmanship.
-- Oh, see, I was only looking at the 'external looks' of the products.
...I didn't even know that the prices were also there, and pictures of the product's internals as well.

'Bout the sound quality then? :b

and a programmable dac helps to avoid obsolesence.

i've had my PD for 6 years and it's still competitive with the top level. how many other 6 year old digital units are still considered top level? and can handle dsd and 2xdsd from a server?

Excellent point, Mike. PD is high quality. If I were to change from my Esoteric / Audio Note set-up -- Playback Designs would be on the short list.
Excellent point, Mike. PD is high quality. If I were to change from my Esoteric / Audio Note set-up -- Playback Designs would be on the short list.

Not me. I would go for either the non-up sampling Concert Fidelity DAC or Weiss.

and a programmable dac helps to avoid obsolesence.

i've had my PD for 6 years and it's still competitive with the top level. how many other 6 year old digital units are still considered top level? and can handle dsd and 2xdsd from a server?


I don't know enough about Audio DAC to say more than this . I do not think it is all software that makes DACs. Firmware upgrades are that : Software upgrades. I would like people like Amir or Opus111 or other DAC gurus on this board to chime in.
This doesn't mean that someone cannot build an upgradeable DAC by the way in which you just swaps chips or module or software. Whether this is a financially sound commercial strategy is a different subject.
I don't know enough about Audio DAC to say more than this . I do not think it is all software that makes DACs. Firmware upgrades are that : Software upgrades. I would like people like Amir or Opus111 or other DAC gurus on this board to chime in.

I agree - the fact that a DAC needs a software upgrade tells me one thing - they didn't pay enough attention the first time :) The Stereophile review seems to me to bear this out - there are what I consider to be unforgivable errors in the DSP programming of the MPS-5 (like channel imbalance of 0.2dB to give an example).

Of course if there's a bug (as there evidently is in the MPS-5 with that channel imbalance) then the straightforward thing to do would be to admit it, but again I've not seen that from PD, just they seem to be saying that the upgrades are 'enhancements' rather than bug fixes.
As far as SACD, my Modwright Oppo 105 can handle that.:cool:

Ah, I see...thanks. :b

I have an Oppo 95, unmodified, for Blu-ray duty and own no SACD. I'll have to experiment and compare the Oppo to my Esoteric P-0s/Forsell CD transport and Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC solution.

I am using a Korg MR-2000s for live direct to 2-track recording of acoustic music in DSD128. I'm contemplating streaming high-res digital content, i.e., no physical media.

Ah, I see...thanks. :b

I have an Oppo 95, unmodified, for Blu-ray duty and own no SACD. I'll have to experiment and compare the Oppo to my Esoteric P-0s/Forsell CD transport and Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC solution.

I am using a Korg MR-2000s for live direct to 2-track recording of acoustic music in DSD128. I'm contemplating streaming high-res digital content, i.e., no physical media.

Ferrari, are you playing the Blu Rays in your two channel system? If so, you should get an Oppo 93 and Vanity93 digi out board. This will allow you to get Blu Ray inot your audio note dac over coax, without any downsampling. The board will convert SACD to 176/24 LPCM (or 88/24 if you want). This will sound infinitely better than using the Oppo analog outs for high rez material.
Ah, I see...thanks. :b

I have an Oppo 95, unmodified, for Blu-ray duty and own no SACD. I'll have to experiment and compare the Oppo to my Esoteric P-0s/Forsell CD transport and Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC solution.

I am using a Korg MR-2000s for live direct to 2-track recording of acoustic music in DSD128. I'm contemplating streaming high-res digital content, i.e., no physical media.

Hi C1...are you going to compare oppo 95 as transport to your Esoteric P0? i have an unmodified Oppo95 and compared it directly as a transport into my Zanden DAC...with an Audio Aero La Source...but using the La Source only for its Esoteric Transport via digital out. No contest in my opinion. In fact, my Upgrade audio Oppo 83 beat the Oppo 95 digital out to digital out. my old oppo 83 no longer plays video...only reads CD layers. So i was naturally disappointed the new Oppo 95 would not allow me to completely retire the old 83...thus, i have to play movies on 95 and music on 83...until i can get SOTA transport for music and then retire the 83 to 'emergency back up duties'.

Specifically? the 95 digital out came across as harder, stiffer and generally just cruder than the 83 modded...and i could tell so easily, my heart sank because i really really wanted the 95 to be better. i wanted to just put the 83 in the closet for emergency backup, and i cannot now. so truly my expectation bias was actually in favor of the 95...and i cannot tell you how many times i was hoping i could not tell the difference at least...but each time i could. after 2 hours i just gave up, and have both in my system.

and the Audio Aero La Source was again another 2 notches up over the modd'd 83...but surprisingly the Audio Aero dealer who was listening on my couch next to me...admitted he was shocked by how good the little modd'd oppo was. I think he was actually a little embarassed, because then he took out Stillpoint Ultras to put under the La Source to get it up 2 further notches beyond the Oppo 83 (the Stillpoints did not improve the Oppo much at all, else i was tempted to get them. have since read that stillpoints work better with real weight on top...oppo is liteweight and the La Source weighs 30lbs...perhaps thats why? no idea.)

I really look forward to your own thoughts on 95 vs your legendary transport.
Ah, I see...thanks. :b

I have an Oppo 95, unmodified, for Blu-ray duty and own no SACD. I'll have to experiment and compare the Oppo to my Esoteric P-0s/Forsell CD transport and Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC solution.

I am using a Korg MR-2000s for live direct to 2-track recording of acoustic music in DSD128. I'm contemplating streaming high-res digital content, i.e., no physical media.

Sorry for OT, but my Oppo 105 sounds different than a standard 95.
My tube mod includes:

Total redesign and replacement of single-ended and fully balanced output stage with ModWright tube analog stage (6SN7 driver tubes).
External PS (new design) with one rectifier (5AR4, GZ34, 5U4, 5V4 and equivalents) and two voltage regulator tubes (13EM7, 12EM7 and suitable subs.)
'Truth' umbilical cord.
Upgraded Cardas GRFA series RCA's for stereo outs.
Upgraded Furutech cryo-treated IEC.
Highest Quality resistors in key signal path applications.
All signal wire = 99.9999% pure, cryo-treated solid-core silver wire from Cardas metals.
Upgrades to internal stock power supplies
Damping mods for chassis and transport.
Sorry for OT, but my Oppo 105 sounds different than a standard 95.
My tube mod includes:

Total redesign and replacement of single-ended and fully balanced output stage with ModWright tube analog stage (6SN7 driver tubes).
External PS (new design) with one rectifier (5AR4, GZ34, 5U4, 5V4 and equivalents) and two voltage regulator tubes (13EM7, 12EM7 and suitable subs.)
'Truth' umbilical cord.
Upgraded Cardas GRFA series RCA's for stereo outs.
Upgraded Furutech cryo-treated IEC.
Highest Quality resistors in key signal path applications.
All signal wire = 99.9999% pure, cryo-treated solid-core silver wire from Cardas metals.
Upgrades to internal stock power supplies
Damping mods for chassis and transport.

How much did all of those upgrades cost? In a way it seems kind of funny when you think about the technology behind the CD player. Some might say technology-wise that all of those improvements would be equivalent to *improving* a Ferrari by modifying the engine to start with a hand crank from a Model T.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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