Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

Hopefully available aswell by then, we already received copper, black and silver samples a while back but those didn’t look good. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new samples.
pity as the Chrome finish IMHO is drop dead gorgeous. I too was a holdout for the copper until I saw the chrome and it was a no brainer
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That is the switch - networkcard combo. The Router can set general network parameters and reduce traffic on the audio network segment.

Is this offloading a "will allow" or has this already been implemented in the current switch/card?
I'll make a bet (A drink the next time that we see each other) that yours does NOT arrive by 4 pm tmrw.
Just got notice that mine arrived in LA at 0500 and is now on the truck out for delivery. Im looking forward to collecting that cup of coffee ;)
Just got notice that mine arrived in LA at 0500 and is now on the truck out for delivery. Im looking forward to collecting that cup of coffee ;)
I just found out that my bracket was sent to the wrong place - I will pick it up on Monday and will have it installed on Tuesday night.

It will be a long wait but I know from previous intermittent SQ experiences that it will be worth the wait...
My bracket has been sitting in the FedEx facility in Oude Meer NL for 2 days. They must be very impressed with the new version and how it is packed. :)

On the optimistic side, maybe it has been flown to NJ where it has yet to be scanned :)
On the optimistic side, maybe it has been flown to NJ where it has yet to be scanned :)
That is exactly correct as I found that happened with my switch It sat in New Jersey for days. Next notice I got was it’s out for delivery
Just got notice that mine arrived in LA at 0500 and is now on the truck out for delivery. Im looking forward to collecting that cup of coffee ;)
A GRANDE!!!! Congrats!!!
could anyone who has received and installed their new bracket comment on their findings as to resolution of issues
I would have thought someone would have chimed in by now??
My replacement bracket is currently "out for delivery" which in the semi-rural area where I live means either in the next hour or two or if it isn't on the early truck, then late afternoon.

I'll post when I've installed it and had a few hours to make sure there are no hiccups.

Steve Z
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My replacement bracket is currently "out for delivery" which in the semi-rural area where I live means either in the next hour or two or if it isn't on the early truck, then late afternoon.

I'll post when I've installed it and had a few hours to make sure there are no hiccups.

Steve Z
mine is two stops away
just trying to get my " cafe grande" from Bob;)
Maybe the Fedex truck will brake an axle and they will have to tow it back to the depot and deliver all of the packages next week:)
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My replacement bracket is currently "out for delivery" which in the semi-rural area where I live means either in the next hour or two or if it isn't on the early truck, then late afternoon.

I'll post when I've installed it and had a few hours to make sure there are no hiccups.

Steve Z
Hope it doesn't fall off the back of the truck.....
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I will start brewing the coffee:)
easy fix and easy install. Took me under 10 minutes as I had removed the board in anticipation of Fedex arrival. Music has been playing for 20 minutes and so far zero glitches or hiccups.

Once again I can only express my sincerest thanks, for diagnosing a problem quickly and within a few days had all new brackets laser cut and sent out to all affected. I live halfway around the world from Emile and have the new bracket and card in and the problem solved in one week. If that ain't the best customer service...........Kudos again Emile. Im listening to music as I type this and I am smiling from ear to ear. Now when did you say you're taking orders on the router....... :cool:
You might find it strange taking advice from someone who doesn’t even own any Taiko equipment, but I have spent the past 3-4 years optimising my network and my findings are that when it comes to switches, the power supply is by far the most important component, along with the DC cable. Even the DC connectors play a role due to their impact on supply impedance.

If you are after the finest SQ possible, given the above, before you dive in to buying an LPS or DC cables I believe you are going to see quite a bit of discussion on the topic, so my advice…..don‘t pull the trigger too soon.

In the course of the last 4 years I have upgraded my network power supplies 6 times and each time I have made substantial gains to the purity, lucidity, speed, power, reality and emotional content of the final sound. IMO, each upgrade has more than warranted its expense and I have found NO diminishing returns in this area

I’m going to leave any recommendations to Taiko users who have heard various supplies, but my feeling is that there’s a huge range between ‘adequate’ and best. Logic tells me that the forthcoming BPS will be the very best, however for remote switches, where the BPS isn’t feasible, my experience is that the quality of the PS is critical, ditto the DC cable.

At some point perhaps Romaz, Nenon and Austinpop will chime in. They have extensive experience with various supplies and Nenon designed a DC cable based on JSSG360 screening and Mundorf Silver/Gold cable that in my system gave jaw dropping results, to the point my entire network‘s DC chain is wired with the stuff. I worried that it would be too much but the improvements just kept coming.
Important as I think it is @Blackmorec please consider reposting once everyone received their package though ;-).

You are correct about the importance of the DC powersupply and DC cable and I look forward to learn how different flavours will be established in combination with the Extreme Switch. But if users have a little more to spend and want to go ahead right away this selection of Sean Jacobs PSU’s are considered among the best: https://www.custom-hifi-cables.co.uk/power-supplies/dc4-power-supply
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